Is the curtain closing?

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by The Electric Me, May 2, 2020.

  1. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
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    Again I get what you're saying, and I HOPE you are right.
    Oddly, I would say, before the Covid-19 crisis, I thought a week or two, with nothing to do but sit on the sofa in pajama's and watch television WOULD BE GREAT.
    I've reached the point where that dream has become a discomforting dream, if not a nightmare.
  2. cyberpriusII

    cyberpriusII Prodigyplace says I'm Super Kris

    Oct 1, 2009
    2008 Prius
    Hmm, swap out TV and swap in read and it sounds like how I spent January, February, March and April 2009...LOL. The key is to get all those free Kindle books -=- Treasure Island, Sherlock Holmes, Anne of Green Gables, Little House.
  3. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
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    Other Non-Hybrid
    You know I was raised to revere reading.
    My Grandmother read until very near the end of her life, and she lived to be 99 years old. The last few years were large print books, but she really read absolutely as long as she could read.

    I still read, but embarrassingly not as much as I know I should, or would really like to do. Total energy has a lot to do with it. I can more easily sit passively and watch a movie, of various degrees of importance or theme and plot, than read a good book now. I try to read, and can only get a pathetic number of pages in, before I'm asleep.

    I have gotten to taking a book with me, on expeditions specifically designed to JUST READ. That is, in the Spring, Summer or Fall, I have a folding chair, and will seek out a park or locale with a nice view, and sit and read, where I know I simply will not fall asleep. But it seems like now it takes that singular effort.

    My Grandmother would be disappointed as she felt she didn't have enough lifetime to read everything she wanted to read.
    Data Daedalus likes this.
  4. 2k1Toaster

    2k1Toaster Brand New Prius Batteries

    Feb 14, 2010
    Rocky Mountains
    2006 Prius
    AMC is pissed more so because they took on a bunch of debt stupidly and things aren't so great now. $0 revenue versus "market projections". They are a $200m company with $10.5 BILLION of debt. They have lost 2%-3% in the "good times". Compare that to Cinemark which is a $1.4B company with $5B in debt but making 5% to 6% profit. AMC will likely not re-open the same company if they open at all.

    But movie theatres aren't going anywhere. They haven't been about watching movies for well over a decade, probably since the early 2000's. It's about a fun experience. The movie itself is a bonus. I visit the Cinemark theatres nearby to watch my blockbuster films. It's usually $60 for the tickets, $20 for the popcorn and corn syrup water. Warner Brothers or Disney or whoever usually takes that entire ticket price. Cinemark gets the snack profit to pay for everything and everyone else. I also go to the local small theatre for the independent and foreign films the big chains won't show increasingly because it conflicts with screen time contracts for the big production houses. This is why a terrible movie might be played on 5 screens that nobody is seeing because it bombed but they can't play the actual hot movie. If they did, they'd have to pay Disney a small fortune and no amount of butts-in-seats for the other movie would recoup that.

    You can see the experience aspect of film especially when they play the "classics". Last year I saw Singing in the Rain along with numerous other films from that period and the theatre was absolutely packed. Everyone had popcorn and drinks and candy and not a single empty seat. Same when I went and watched Jurassic Park (the original) remastered for IMAX. It was a 20+ year old movie and they charged full $28 per person ticket prices for the IMAX. My showing was very crowded and they ran it for well over a week. Not only do I own that movie on VHS, DVD, and BluRay, but I have it on my PLEX server and I can watch it anytime I want from anywhere. Yet I spent money to watch it in the theatre because it is fun.
    Trollbait likes this.
  5. Montgomery

    Montgomery Senior Member

    Sep 11, 2015
    Orange County, CA
    2015 Prius
    I go to the movie cinema once or twice a year when the movie is a "must see" on the big screen. I wait 3 weeks after a movie opens, and go in the middle of the week in the afternoon, because most people aren't there, its $20 dollars cheaper per ticket and there are no loud kids, loud adults, etc. But even then, when my family go and we sit in the back, another family who probably couldn't spell the word "polite" comes in and sits next to us I know I am in trouble. The family usually act like they are at a baseball game. Getting up, farting, talking loudly texting on their phones "hey, its on silent" they usually tell us, and just being a pain. I told my family I was done with going out, till my family insisted I go one more time.

    What a difference!!! The theater changed the seats. Each seat has your own separate arm rests (both sides!). There is more space side to side between chairs and they come with large holders for beverages and yes.....popcorn buckets. The seats recline! The space in front of you is wide enough so those of us over 6 feet tall don't have to keep getting up when someone needs to get by. I loved it! So, I may be going back................of course, when the Covid-19 situation allows us.
    Data Daedalus likes this.
  6. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    that's what they are all like around here. some even have servers and pub food. you can reserve seats, but you can't pick your neighbors.
    most of our experiences have been pretty good though, concerning the patrons.
    Data Daedalus likes this.
  7. 2k1Toaster

    2k1Toaster Brand New Prius Batteries

    Feb 14, 2010
    Rocky Mountains
    2006 Prius
    Same here. For a blockbuster film that is always sold out, I just buy the two seats next to us. Puts a buffer between us because the people that work the front like to group the people in the theatre whereas I want to be alone. They do it for good reason. If everyone sits in 2 rows instead of spread out over 6, they can clean and prepare the theatre for the next screening much faster.
  8. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
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    Other Non-Hybrid
    I agree.
    And all of you believing the theater experience isn't in jeopardy or threatened, I hope you're right.

    But a double edge sword about humanity is that every generation is born anew. That can lead to quick healing from tragic and challenging events, but it also leads to sometimes rapid change, and abandonment of traditions and ideas only just recently held.
    In this thread alone we have seen those that value the theater experience, and those that really do not.

    I can NOT be as easily at ease about the future of the movie theater, because I do NOT think Millennial, and the generations now being born, do have the same respect, common connection to the whole experience.
    I do NOT think Covid-19 and these times will be the end of the movie theater, but it certainly doesn't help. How long even after restrictions are lifted do people continue to avoid activities like theater going?

    To an extent all these things mentioned. Combined "Pub" and "Restaurant" services at theaters, and improved lounge type seating ARE symptoms of the challenge theaters are facing.
    There was a time, when the theater and the movie, were enough. I'm not sure all these added amenities are a sign of the improvement of the health of the movie theater industry or a symptom of their very struggle to survive.
  9. 2k1Toaster

    2k1Toaster Brand New Prius Batteries

    Feb 14, 2010
    Rocky Mountains
    2006 Prius
    I would clarify that I am a millennial. And when I hang out with my younger cousins, they love the theatre too.

    The movies are regressing to how they used to be before how they used to be. Even just 20 years ago, "the movies" used to be a fun experience for all ages and socioeconomic ranges. I would pay $5 for a ticket with friends and another $5 for popcorn and drinks. The theaters were disgustingly dirty, packed shoulder to shoulder. It could devolve into shouting matches when new groups yelled at others to move down a seat or switch so a different sized group could sit there.

    Today it is becoming a fun activity only for the higher end of the socioeconomic spectrum like when Daddy Warbucks went to the movies. Part of it is inevitable. When you remove all those stadium seats and put in recliners you reduce the capacity by well over a half. I only really follow Cinemark but I believe I read something like a 62% reduction in seating capacity switching to the new style recliners. So the tickets need to be 1.6x more expensive just to break even not including the capital expense of the new seats. Some of the ones here even have the motion simulators for even more extra, but only 4 SEATS for the entire row!!!! And the ticket prices match, they are about 2.5x more expensive than the 1.6x more expensive seats already were.

    You're not going to grow a whole generation of movie goers if they can't afford to go to the movies. But the theatres have changed. Instead of going after everyone, they're going after those that can afford it and afford it so much that they can charge $13 for popcorn while they're at it. The ones in my generation that can afford to go, seem to enjoy it. Fewer people in total, but more revenue per butt.

    Personally I'd pay even more for more spacing between people and better food. Like when we go to the met for opera, you show up early and have appetizers, soups, and entrees over drinks. Then during intermission they have your pre-ordered desserts on your table with champagne and you can enjoy there and then go back in.
  10. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    sports are becoming the same way.
    but we're having two different discussions which aren't mutually exclusive, but should be discussed both separately and together.
    how were movie theaters doing before covid, and how will covid affect them in the long term.

    toaster put some interesting numbers in his first post, and i suppose it would be useful to look at last years analysis of each theaters stock, if they are a public company.

    how were the demographics changing over the years, if at all?

    and how will they recover from being closed, to maintaining social distancing?

    of course, we don't know the answer to the second question, but the first one should be easy.

    the same questions can be asked about many industries. we could go completely back to normal, or things may never be the same again.
    some companies in each vulnerable industry will probably fail. and government will have something to say about it as well.
  11. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
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    Other Non-Hybrid
    Well projecting evolution is a daunting task.
    I have mixed feelings about the "High End" theaters. I don't know if they don't encourage the evolution to staying at home. If you have to pay a huge admission price per person, plus charges for lunch/ dinner or snacks or more, and the experience includes Recliner like seating, then I think the reaction does become, -why don't I just stay home with my recliner and my own food and save the money?

    Locally where I live there have been attempts at high end movie theaters and "living room" type theaters, but they have either failed or been mostly unsuccessful.

    And I'm not sure I'm really happy with that experience even if it's possible. I don't want Movie Theaters simply to become my rented living room. But that's just me.
  12. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    apparently, different parts of the country are having different levels of success. not sure why. even in lower income areas around here, they were all very busy.

    massive new complexes have been built in the past few decades with 12, 18, 24 theaters in one building.
    a variety of seating options, as well as food and drink, to meet everyones needs.

    maybe that's where the massive debt came in.

    looking at amc stock, it wasn't doing so hot before the virus.
  13. Prius Maximus

    Prius Maximus Senior Member

    May 3, 2004
    Northeastern IL
    2014 Prius
    I think this one reason is why drive-ins are out. They take up so much space the theater can't show 10 movies at the same time and pack in as many people.

    Maybe they can tear down the abandoned shopping malls and put up a hexagonal drive in. 6 monster-sized screens facing out from the center, lots of parking area around them, and they can have Micky D's, Booger Kings, ChickFillets, candy and popcorn etc in the outlots.

    On the other side of the coin, personally, I don't want to be dropping popcorn and spilling soda pop in my car. And my prius seats are very uncomfortable. :eek:

    I'd rather just watch at home on my TV.
  14. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I'm aged out of the whole theater thing.
    When I first read this thread I actually stopped to try and remember the last movie I saw in one (2016 - The Light Between Oceans.)
    Couldn't begin to remember the one before that one.

    If there's a movie that I absolutely have to see, I'll wait for it to come out online for all of the obvious: reasons
    * Ability to pause for biological necessaries.
    * No shoes, No Shirt.....No problem.
    * Noise free environment.
    * Refreshments at a fraction of the price.
    * Ability to rewind - or even watch again within a certain period to catch Easter eggs.

    Cinemas are like Sears, Roebuck and Company catalogs - last printed in 1993 - probably a decade or more after people regularly used them.
    Some people are nostalgic for those too. ;)
    #34 ETC(SS), May 4, 2020
    Last edited: May 4, 2020
    The Electric Me likes this.
  15. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
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    Other Non-Hybrid
    It would be a fools task to try to force people to value movie theaters.
    I think your viewpoint is important, because you have some that seem to think Movie Theaters are NOT under threat.
    Regrettably, in part because of the things you mention, I think they are.

    Not sure we need to cite Sears Catalogs, how about the total disappearance of Montgomery Wards and the Struggles of Sears themselves?
    Things change. Expectations, even desires change.
    I think there is a younger generation that has mostly accepted online, on demand entertainment.

    Who knows how things are going to evolve? But my fear is that the Movie Theater is not in a strong growth position.
    Wiped totally out of existence? Probably not.

    But according to my simple Google research, in the 1950's Oregon had 70 drive in theaters, today there are only 4. To deny that things can change, if economic models change, and public desire change, is to deny the truth.
    I think you also have to follow the money.
    The trump card theaters have had, is being the primary venue of first release. A period of time where the theater is the ONLY place you can see a particular movie. I think if studios remove that advantage? It's going to hurt theaters.
  16. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    Another plus to home viewing: I often have the option to turn on sub titles, even for my native language. I'm not really hard of hearing (my wife will contest that) but comprehending dialogue seems to be getting tougher.
    #36 Mendel Leisk, May 4, 2020
    Last edited: May 4, 2020
  17. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
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    Other Non-Hybrid
    To drift a little off topic. Why doesn't Netflix give a clearer sign if a movie is in a foreign language?
    So frustrating to read the synopsis of a movie, click on it, sit through 5 minutes of opening credits, only to then discover the whole thing is in Finnish with subtitles.

    Not that I'm against foreign films or subtitles. Some foreign films are absolutely great, and I can sit and read subtitles. BUT sometimes I don't feel like reading subtitles and it would be nice if Netflix would give clearer warning that a film was foreign, or what language it was filmed in. They seem to almost hide the knowledge. It shouldn't be "Gotcha" this is in Mandarin...

    Finally after this rant...
    As I age, I find myself doing like you a lot more. I turn on subtitles just as a crutch, if suddenly I can't hear or understand what someone is saying.
    Which "Old Man Rant" seems to happen a lot today in films. You either have screaming and car crashes OR back of the throat whispering. It's either keep adjusting volume up and down, or turn the subtitles on when they start whispering.
    Mendel Leisk likes this.
  18. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Subtitles......much preferred over voice-overs, because: Emoting.
    You can even remember a phrase to two if you pay close enough attention.

    As noted earlier......also a great mitigation for tinnitus.
    Mendel Leisk likes this.
  19. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    i don't deny that things can and do change. but i also think you can't sit in your living room streaming, thinking everyone else must be doing the same thing.

    i do agree that if first run movies go direct to stream, theaters are threatened, a certail element are there for the night out, and an element to be the first to see something.

    but who knows what the production companies are thinking. one movie does not make a trend, especially with theaters closed and living rooms open.
  20. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
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    Other Non-Hybrid
    Actually right now? I can. That IS pretty much what everyone is doing.

    Right now the noise coming out of the suburban jungle is the Netflix "Ta-Dum" sound as everyone sit's down to do some streaming.

    I don't think you want to conclude because the last time you went to a movie theater it was pretty full, that means theaters aren't threatened. That would be the more unstable long term perspective.