So, day 1 of the long list of maintenance/upgrades on out new-to-us 2013 Persona. We put spark plugs in and then, removed the intake manifold to clean out the manifold (specifically EGR transfer ports). Tomorrow we will install the catch can, install new Toyota PCV and replace the EGR valve. (I will inspect the EGR cooler and remove/soak, power wash and re-install if need be. Thought someone would like to see pictures of our manifold with 156k miles. No start-up "death rattle" and put my borescope in the cylinders to see if any piston tops were "steamed clean" to determine if head gasket was leaking (no other signs of leakage..i just like using my borescope).
I guess no mystery why the head gasket always seem to fail between cylinders one and two. 156K miles. Maybe a lot of highway miles, that's pretty bad.
Exactly...That's why I'm going through this vehicle bumper-to-bumper before my son goes off to college. Also, EGR tube is pretty clean. Going to look into EGR cooler tomorrow.
Thanks for the pics. On my computer, it is clear that they are very dirty but I can't tell how clogged they are. is the actual flow impeded?
Roy, I haven't tried to blow air through them yet. Will test tomorrow before soaking and scrubbing. I can hypothesis based off the picks the flow is definitely hampered on cylinder #2 and more so on cylinder #1.
Had contractors here today doing work on house. However, I did get the intake spotless and have a list of what one will need (not much). It’s clean and still soaking in solution. Tomorrow morning I’ll rinse, dry and install. Put pictures and tool list together tomorrow!
If you used oxi on the intake, rinse the cr@p out of it and blow it dry. Especially where bolts or studs go in. Residual oxi reacts with bolts I found.
Ok, update..finished intake, EGR valve and cooler in in the soak tank. The EGR cooler is clogged almost completely up...very little water flows out when poured into the top. So, I've got more pictures and can do a complete write up with tool list if needed. However, the pictures show most of it. For cleaning the intake EGR ports, my recommendation is to find some old romex (I used 14/3) and pullout the solid cooper wire. I used that to open up the intake EGR ports (and to break through some of the EGR cooler passages). Then I used the Harbor Freight brush kit (in PDF) to scrub the ports and main EGR passage. I bought a new Toyota EGR valve from Japan on eBay ($150). Waiting on EGR cooler to soak and work through all that carbon. I will pressure wash the EGR cooler tomorrow to try and get most of it out. I have work on Monday & Tuesday...will be Wednesday before getting it back together. As mentioned above I not only flushed all metal pieces, but sprayed them with Fluid Film as well (best protectant there is - beats Corrosion-X and Boeshield ).
If you've not already used it, I highly recommend using oven cleaner (heavy duty type) for de-carbonizing the EGR cooler. Plug up the end opposite the valve, spray in a dose of oven cleaner, let it sit for a half hour, unplug and flush out. Repeat as necessary. Really works very well. Rubber stoppers of the right size are generally available at big box stores (Lowe's, Home Depot).
Dang that is some sludge coming through the EGR ports. Were the cylinder heads evenly carbonized? On my 2010 two cylinders were noticeably dirtier than the other two. (Borescope pix welcome if you saved 'em.)
Cylinder head ports looked good, I walnut blasted they are like brand new as well. (Sorry no pics...lost track of time and forgot). Didn’t snap borescope pics inside cylinders either.
lol...well I have taken a lot of pictures, converted to a single PDF and uploaded in multiple threads. Yes, it is hard by yourself ...damn gloves on, gloves off