Hi all, when going into the (hidden) Prius internal diagnostic menu on my 2007 model, I can retrieve error codes by tapping on the systems that didn't show "OK" but "CHEK". I have 3 systems that complain in my brand new car. Does anyone know what the systems are and what the messages mean? (To go into that menu, turn on car, keep "Info" pressed and switch on and off the lights three times): System: Code: Sub-Code: EMV 01-D5 190-3B-F NAV 01-E3 000-FF-2 DSP/AMP 01-D6 -FF-1 01-E3 -FF-1 Cheers - Balt
Did you ever get any insight to these codes? I have an '06 that i'm playing with and found similar codes EMV 01-d5 190-7f-f 01-d8 190-1a-1 01-dc 1c6a9-4 01-dc 190-1d-3 Audio h/u 01-d6 -8f-1 01-dd 110-8f-1 01-e0 110-8f-1 01-e3 -8f-2 Any ideas or tips? thanks
These aren't OBDII type codes having to do with the drivetrain. What you get via those "diagnostic screens" only have to do with the stereo and NAV and maybe some other ancillary electronics. Not the hybrid or engine or brake computers, sorry.. you need a scantool to plug into the data port for that stuff. . _H*
Need help please. I cleaned the fan behind my backseat of 2007 Prius and now the battery is saying it’s not charging and totally embarrassed at how dumb I feel not knowing what to do. Was able to access these sub codes but have no clue what they mean. I have to work during this pandemic nonsense and just need my car . Toyota2007 Prius cod code. Sub code 01-DB. 190-E5- F 01-D5. 190-2B-A 01-08. 110-05-3 01-08. 190-Ef- 1 My family all live eight hours away so trying to depend on myself to figure this out and thought couldn’t hurt asking you guys here maybe. Thank you so much
Those codes you can get on the MFD are pretty much only about infotainment components in the car. They will generally not tell you anything important about the car as transportation. There is a CLR button (I think that's how it's labeled) on that screen, that you have to touch and hold a few seconds to clear those codes. Then you can see if any come back. If any do, it's usually more of a back-burner sort of priority, if you ever feel like tracking down a problem in the infotainment system. It's usually reasonable to clear codes in that system because they are probably not critical (and anyway, you posted here the ones that you had, so the info won't be lost). Does the car start and drive? Do you have a scantool for reading the actual on-board diagnostic codes that pertain to the operation of the car?
How did the car tell you that? Was there a message on the screen, or were there error lights on the dash? One last question, did you disconnect the 12 V battery at any time between the last "OFF" and this "Start"? As bisco mentioned, check any plugs that you might have disconnected. Press them in firmly, most usually have a lock tab that you can hear a click when it is fully in. If that doesn't help and you have error lights on the dash, we will need the DTCs (diagnostic trouble codes). From the title of this thread which you have tagged on to, the OP was obviously aware of the diagnostic codes Pxxxx, Bxxxx, Cxxxx. These are the ones that would be useful to help you further if you were able to get them. Maybe a trip to AutoZone, Pep Boys or similar store local to you that offered free code reading (with a code reader that can talk to all 11 - 14 Prius ECUs) if that was possible for you to do at this time.