I had about a gallon of extra gas (91 non-oxygenated) from my snowblower so I decided to pour it into my '06 Prius last weekend. I used a plastic funnel that went in about 2 inches into the filler neck. I went to fill up my tank today and right when I pressed the fuel filler lever at the gas station, it clicked off immediately. I tried inserting the spout at different depths and it still clicked off right away. I was able to lightly press the fuel lever to get some gas to flow but if I pressed it even slightly more, it would shut off. I tried two different gas stations and it happened at both locations. I read on this forum that some people who have had this problem would rotate the fuel nozzle to get the gas to flow. I have yet to try this. One other thing that I noticed is that the rubber gasket at the fuel opening might be missing. I never paid attention to it before, but this afternoon, I didn't feel the normal "resistance" when I removed the fuel nozzles. Is it possible that the rubber gasket fell off and is blocking the fuel flow? When I used my funnel last weekend, it went in and out without any problems. How is the gasket attached? I wouldn't think that it would fall off so easily... Thanks for any help!
I always use left over gas in my Prius. I have never used fuel stabilizer. I too add gas to my Prius and get fresh gas for lawn mower/ leaf blower / snow blower like 3 times a year. I though have a long neck funnel I use. I have not experienced anything different after adding leftover gas. However at least on 3 occasions I have experienced when filling gas with less than half tank, pump would stop filling after about 1 gallon or so. Repeated attempts to fill would still fail. But then I could fill properly at another pump. I attributed the problem to pump rather than the car. May be you happened to encounter similar thing after adding leftover gas at home. But then you tried other gas station too.
Sounds like the funnel had something attached at the end or some in the funnel was pushed in your gas tank neck and is causing a blockage in the gas filler neck. Push open the flap and look down the gas filler and see if you have a blockage. You might have to buy a video scope and look down deeper in your gas filler. SM-J737T1 ?