I recently bought my first Prius and I'm having trouble figuring out why the smart key functionality (walk up and open the door without pressing anything to unlock it) isn't working to unlock the front two doors, but is working to unlock the trunk (which actually unlocks all doors). The car also gives me a two second beep when I hit the little black button on the either of the doors or the trunk, and does not lock any of the doors. The button on the remote and the physical key are able to lock/unlock the doors without issue. I bought a second smart key online and did the "chicken dance" to get the smart start and remote control lock/unlock working fine, so I don't think it's a problem with the remotes. It looks like the two second beep when pressing the black buttons on the door/trunk indicates either a door is open or that there is another fob hidden somewhere in the car, but I couldn't find one after looking for about 20 minutes. I don't think a door is open because I'm able lock the car with the button on the remote. Does anybody know a different issue this could be, or have advice on where to look for a hidden remote?
check along the front seat adjustment rails and center console with a flashlight. generally speaking, if there were a fob in the car with a working battery, you'd get a long beep when trying to lock the doors from the outside.
If there is a key in the car, you should not be able to lock it. Also you can try just going in the car and pressing the start button without a key on your body, see if it'll start.
The car does start without any keys in my pocket, so there's certainly a hidden key in there somewhere! Thanks for the suggestion!
I've looked all around there with no success, but thanks for the suggestion. The car does start without any key in my pocket, so I know there's one in there somewhere!
The keys are usually lost in between the driver's seat and the center console. That edge is where most keys are lost and never found.
Other places to look. 1. The glovebox, especially the bottom half. Pull it out and look in the narrow slot area. A fob could drop in there and never be seen again. 2. The pull out drawer on the front of the center console, and then all the other storage areas in the center console which you have not already exmained. 3. The glasses holder above the rear view mirror. 4. Storage areas on the doors. 5. Under the carpet mats, if any are present. 6. Between the vertical and horizontal pads on the seats. 7. Under the front seats. If all that fails then tear apart the trunk area, all the way down to the spare tire. If I had to bet, it would be in 3 - it seems like a place somebody might "temporarily" store a spare key and then forget about it. Worst case, some previous owner had a spare key squirreled away in a wheel well or somehow tucked into the bottom of the car. Back when plain keys were all that was needed to start a car I recall occasionally seeing them dangling from wires under the front or back of a car which was up on a lift. These keys were not visible except from under the car. I always wondered how well those keys would work after being blasted with road dirt for thousands of miles. Good luck!
I just went back and gave that side a thorough look through. I discovered a cd drive that apparently updates the maps? But unfortunately no keys
Thanks for the big list! I took ~30 minutes to investigate tonight but didn't find it... yet! Good call on the pull out drawer of the console - I didn't know that existed haha. I went ahead and popped off the whole front and back of the console, but no luck there. It's also easier than I thought to pull the whole glovebox out and I can now rule out the glovebox and everything in the guts behind the glovebox. It doesn't seem to be under the front seats or in in the front seat cracks, but I'll have to go back and dig through the middle seats. It also wasn't in any of the rest of those spots you recommended, though I want to look through the trunk/tire again with some daylight. I didn't see it underneath the front of the car today, but I'll pop half of the car over a sidewalk tomorrow so I can get a better look! I'm pretty sure it's somewhere towards the front of the car because the rear door does unlock when I walk up to it with the key in my pocket, but I'll keep looking all around!
I wonder if maybe you could isolate it by moving around an EM shield? This situation is not something I have ever seen before, but since the key emits some sort of radio wave, perhaps if you make a large (1M square?) piece of aluminum foil (crimp sheets together) and then run a wire from that to a ground point, you can mask out the key? Like put it over the left half of the dash, then the right, then over the drivers seat, then the passenger's and so forth. If it is between the key and the receiver, but probably pretty close to the key, it might block it. Or then again, it might not since the signal could bounce to the receiver off some other metal parts of the interior. Fairly cheap experiment though, you just need some foil and a wire. Actually I'm not entirely sure the ground wire would be necessary. Like I said, never tried this myself. Before you make the big shield first make a little one and verify that it will block the signals from the fob you have.
Odd that somebody would have left a fob in there. Usually you know more or less where one was dropped, and because they are expensive, spend the time to retrieve it. Where might one have been dropped that could not be retrieved, a location so hard that they just gave up? Down the front window defroster vent would be one candidate. We will all pray that is not the case here!
Interesting. If there was a key in the car, in theory, you would not be able to lock the car (except with the manual key). Further, the car can tell if the key fob is inside or outside the car. Something very strange going on.
You can lock the key fob in the car if you have another fob. It does not need to be only with manual key. I'd still say it is where jc91006 mentioned, between driver's seat and the center console.
Not with SKS, unless the NA model behaves differently. I always have to make sure my wife takes her purse with her so I can lock the car. When it won't lock, I know her key is in the car.
I tracked down a 2007 user guide and according to page 30 it's working as intended when I use the remote to lock it. "When a wireless remote control is used to lock the doors and a smart key is left in the effective range of the smart function in the vehicle, the doors cannot be unlocked using the smart function. In this case, use the wireless remote function to unlock the doors." https://filebin.net/9k2jzu1168atlznf/2007_Prius_Owners_Manual.pdf?t=zdyqdfaz
I do have ~35ft of reflectix (the stuff crinkly winshield sun shades are made from) so I'll try that out. My next plan is actually to try and find the radio signal. I have one of those ~$20 software defined radios and know that the remote emits at 315mhz +-2.5mhz. Hopefully it emits a strong and regular signal that I can hunt down! I looked underneath after popping one side over a curb, and didn't find it. I didn't want to stick my head too far under there so it could still be down there. I also dug through every bit of the car that doesn't need a screwdriver, but it is just nowhere to be found!