Hello, I was replacing key fob for my smart key and lost RHID chip. Does anyone knows type and frequency of Toyota Prius gen 2 RFID chip? Is it possible to reset/reprogramm RFID with Toyota Techstream? I have TS and a cable. Car is fully operational because I have Smart Key, but if Smart Key will die it will be impossible to use car. Thanks in advance.
I really hope you get an answer. I have a key that will not work in the key slot but will work anywhere else in the car. If appears to be an original key. So hopefully somebody here can help you out.
I think this has all the information you need: Prius 2008 Won't Start with Key in Slot. | PriusChat
Thanks! I guess I'm just out of luck on that particular key fob. I don't want to break open the case on that key. I'm pretty sure it's the original one as it looks very old and has the silver Toyota logo on the back. I'm pretty sure they're epoxied together or something. Luckily I do have a second key which works perfectly for all functions. I'll keep the other as a backup.
Fobs have a replaceable lithium button battery inside which lasts around 5 years. The case is waterproof and designed to be opened for battery replacement. There is a button on the side of the fob case to release the metal door key, and when you remove the key it reveals a pry point slot which you can then use the bottom of the key to pop open. This is all covered extensively in the owners manual.
With empty key fob battery you could drive with the key in the slot. But not with the key out of slot. And you couldn't use the buttons to unlock (or lock) the car. So that would be basically opposite situation for what's talked about in this thread.
And what you are describing is more or less an emergency procedure to still be able to start the vehicle. Normal operation would be with a battery in place of course. Finland, eh? I have a family tree that started from roots in Finland (family name Paas which got changed to Blomquist when they emigrated). But I believe my original roots came from Sweden.
Actually had to look that up. There are about 120 people with family name Paas in Finnish system. With 70 of them abroad.
I also lost just the RFID chip for an 08'. Is it as simple as buying a new RFID/transducer --(I'm assuming these are interchangeable terms) chip or does the fob have to be reprogrammed. I have no equipment. If anyone that has had the same experience or knows exactly what works please respond with some details on how I can complete this.
I have all hardware and software that was required, but reseting and writing new rfid chip operation failed, so I had to take my car to the shop to reprogram RFID and Smart. If you want to do it yourself, then: 1. buy empty rfid type 4D67 chip. aliexpress or wherever. 2. buy or borrow toyota cable. I have bought x64 version to use it on Windows 10 64 bit version. There are cheap 32 bit version cables, but they work only on 32 bit software (Windows XP or Vindos 7 32bit). 3. get or buy Toyota Techstream 4. buy tokens online HATYTYPYES :// pin-online DOT NETSLASH passcode 5. Message from user Georgy: "In case of a lost key chip, here is the procedure to program your key. First you must order a new chip 4D67. After you have a good chip, connect mini vci to the obd2 port. Open techstream after connected the Mini vci. ----go to IMMOBILIZER then UTILITY. There you will need to RESET THE IMMOBILIZER OR TRANSPONDER ECU. When you do it, you will be asking to provide a Pass code. It's a security point with Toyota s car. To get that code, there is a software calculator that do it. Techstream will provide you a long coded code that you will use with your VIN to calculate the passcode in an online approved website. But if you want to do it yourseft at home without using a website, you will need to purchase a specific key that calculate the pass code with a free software. That key is expensive, few hundreds dollars. So it's better to purchase 5 tokens (website code that will allow you to instantly get a pass code). It will cost you $25 for 5 tokens. After you get the passcode, you put it in techstream as required. Then it will takes 16 minutes to reset to TRANSPONDER. After that you will automatically be asked to register your chip at Step 4 and 5. Just follow the instructions. It's easy. Then after you register the chip or the transponder code, you can use the key in the slot to start the car and drive it, but the smart function won't work . To active the smart Key function, you must ----go to TECHSTREAM then SMART KEY, then UTILITY, then RESET SMART CODE or SMART ECU. That will also take you 16 minutes or least. After that, You must now choose UTILITY/SMART CODE REGISTRATION. Follow the instruction, after you register the code for the smart function, you are done. But you can't reprogramme an after market smart key. Only OEM can be reprogram. If you used an aftermarket key, it must be a blank key." Without cable and software you won't be able to reprogram RFID unless you have another working key, so you can try "chicken dance" Good luck
I also lost just the RFID chip for an 08'. Is it as simple as buying a new RFID/transducer --(I'm assuming these are interchangeable terms) chip or does the fob have to be reprogrammed. I have no equipment. If anyone that has had the same experience or knows exactly what works please respond with some details on how I can complete this.
If it were me, I'd buy the cheapest used key fob (black or silver logo, it won't matter for this) I could find and then harvest the RFID chip from it. If the case was in better condition I'd swap that also. Reuse the back cover (with the logo on it) from your current key fob. You would then need to program the chip by using the first 5 steps of "Procedure A" in the "Chicken Dance".
So I guess my question on this solution is since the used chip you put in the key fob was from a different Prius would it be recognized in your car and allow you to do the chicken dance?
I tried the chicken dance with a new rfid chip. It seems like the car goes into program mode but when I insert the key, it does 3 consecutive blinks. The last blink takes just a fraction of a second longer. It never goes dark afterwards.
For anyone else following this thread, it seems a blank ID67 chip is not acceptable to the car. The chip must be pre-programmed with the correct data in "page 1".
Nope, not a chance. If you don't have another fully complete and functional in all respects, you are facing an "all keys lost" scenario – the most expensive option.