No....not a reference to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse or a Clint Eastwood movie, but the title of a book I read recently about the so-called Spanish Flu. Pale Rider: The Spanish Flu of 1918 and How it Changed the World by Laura Spinney MANY MANY lessons in this book, including the fact that sometimes you want stuff like this to get kicked off in a Commie country. 1972 Yugoslav smallpox outbreak - Wikipedia China coronavirus outbreak not a global health emergency, WHO says
I'm noticing more than usual amount of people wearing surgical masks, just walking the streets. Particularly of Asian descent. Start to feel like the opening scenes of a B movie.
Couple Virginia cases including GMU atudent sheesh was over there yesterday...maybe not confirmed cases though
Saw this bit of wisdom on the internet recently: …..of course if you can practice "social distancing" safely in your back yard or at a local park that is not crowded, keeping your distance from others then that might be okay with that precaution.
Around here movie theaters are shutting down. Probably not enough business anyway, everyone playing it safe. Picked up a pound of whole bean coffee at your local place: there was one customer in the place (and I think they maybe knew the staff, were just hanging out?), they're not accepting cash, prefer tap-to-pay. There was several notice, one about no top ups. I usually bring the bag from last time, ask them to refill, asked in advance and sure enough they didn't want to, just used a new bag.
CAN'T believe we've been talking about this since freekin January and people are flopping and twitching in March trying to buy butt-wipe.... Just drove by Planet Fitness, WalMart, 2 local stores......all packed to the gills. Darwin was right.....
Millennials be like: “Let the oldies get sick man, I wanna go clubbing!” Yeah, I was a little surprised to see THREE gyms with crowded parking lots, but that’s Darwin for you. One of them was a pink ribbon cross-fit affair with all the little crumb-snatchers chasing each other round the parking lot because school is out for the rest of the year........
I heard one of the members of the big crowds at Clearwater Beach say almost those exact words a couple days ago when a local radio station asked him why they were there under these conditions. At first, I thought it was crazy to not close the beach, but maybe not that crazy as long a people respect each other's space. Despite warnings, mass closures, Pinellas County beaches remain open | FOX 13 Tampa Bay
Beaches are not exactly a groovy place for most viri to hang out on a warm sunny day...BUT there's a lot we still don't know about this little bug.....and how long it's able to chill a door knob or elevator button is NOT the only piece of the puzzle. Viability and mobility are two important pieces of the puzzle but it seems that lots of folks are able to carry this bug around with them while remaining asymptomatic....which is why sometimes it's better to "go ugly, early" to give state and local governments time to spool up to speed in fighting it. Florida has lots and lots of geriatric folks.....waiting for some self-involved millennial to deliver their Door Dash meals, and so if I were I'd be thinking about hanging some "CLOSED" signs on local beaches at least in some of the megalopolises. Things about this virus seem to be moving from West to East. Right now folks on the left coast are finding out that their government has the power to close bars and restaurants, enforce curfews, etc...and 22(!!) states are activating parts of their National Guard. As long as those folks keep getting paychecks signed by governors.....then curfews and such will stay fairly flex. HOWEVER (comma!!!) things CAN get a little uglier than they are now. Martial law in the United States - Wikipedia YMMV....
I was watching Johnny Carson one night and Jonathan Winters was a guest. He said (Jonathan) that Florida was "Gods waiting room"
Fly over land here in OK is shut down. No school, no gatherings over 10, all bars closed, restaurants are to go orders only, all sports, meetings, churches, etc. shut down for 2 months. Gas stations, grocery and retail like Target, Sam's, Costco are open but sold out on what you really need. Limits have been placed on quantities but I'm not sure how long it's going to take to normalize in stock quantities. We're at 17 positive spread over 6 counties. 247 negative, 82 pending. Check out the COVID Tracking Project. As of midnight last night 3-18-20 our OKC closures are as follows: Bars without food Hooka Bars Cigar bars Vaping lounges Athletic Gyms Exercise facilities Movie theaters Shopping mall food courts Bars with food, are takeout and delivery only All RESTAURANTS are takeout and delivery only Coffee shops takeout and delivery only
Lots and lots of beaches are closed, I guess, but for some reason, not all of them. I'm not a fan of the beach anyway, but I for shue would not go to a crowded beach now!!! Yup. It's been called that for a long time. I wonder if Winters originated the term.
I'm not sure whether you Americans picked this up from the British news in January. I was, as you know, absent at the time. When British people were evacuated from Wuhan, they landed at a Royal Air Force base in Southern England, and were then taken by bus to a quarantine centre in North-West England. They were transported by bus. There were four buses. These were the buses. Yep. Four Horseman buses. Because when you don't want people to worry about the apocalypse, sending in Four Horseman buses transporting people who might have Pestilence is definitely the way to calm people's nerves.
If I may, I think the original punchline was "heaven's waiting room" For those of you just joining us, Johnny Carson was a late night television talk show host who had a large American audience through 1992. For those of you just, just joining us, television was like youtube with longer ads and less control over what you saw.
Not without sealing it. Normally when you breath in, most of the air goes around the edge of the paper mask and not through it. Without sealing the mask, it will not stop particles. It is only effective at protecting against infection via hand-to-face contact, and effective at keeping others from being infected by the wearer's cough or sneeze. You can seal a medical mask by wearing a CPAP mask on top of it, forcing the air to go through the paper mask instead of around it. However, if the medical mask gets wet, you could accidentally suffocate when you seal it this way. It is extremely difficult to breath through a wet medical mask. You can only breath freely through it when it is dry.
A bit strange, but Fumoto valve sent out a notice that they are "out of business" for the next couple of weeks because of orders restricting non-essential travel in California. In the meantime, they sent a link to this video. It starts out slow, but then gets fairly entertaining...sort of surprising a business would send out something like this, but it makes me like them even more.