My '20 requires two pushes of the charger release button to let it go. On 1st push something else (charger door lock?) clicks, on 2nd it's the charger lock itself. Prior Primes required a single push. I wonder if I messed something up during coding w/Carista, although there's nothing specific to charger door/lock in its menu options.
Which button are you referring to? The oval one with the LED or the release on the charging cable handle itself? I use the latter which only requires one push Personally I don’t know when I should use the oval one with the LED.
I can't fathom why the charger door lock would click. Kind of hard to plug in the charger if the door is locked and just as hard to close it if the EVSE is plugged into the port. Very mysterious. A cursory scan of the owner's manual didn't show anything.
Ah. THAT one! I never use it. Sorry. edit to add: but I think I did see something about settings for that in the manual.
As obvious from the responses everyone are giving, that function is such useless feature in upper trims (Premium and Advanced or XLE and Limited). I don't miss not having that button on my 2020 LE (swapped from 2017 Premium).
lol. I must the only one who uses it. Because I only have an outlet, I carry a portable EVSE. Therefore, I rely on the smart charging cable lock to at least deter or delay theft of my EVSE. I have mine to auto-lock upon insertion but manual unlock. (You can have it manually unlock upon full charge if you use a public charger, so that others can unplug your car when it's full and start their charging instead of waiting for you to return). Back to the OP's question, it must be a new feature for 2020? That double tap to release is slightly more convenient than pressing the unlock button below then releasing the charging cable)
No, it's annoying as f##k. Instead of once, you have to press the same button twice. And, as they say, who got'time fo dat??
Solved: user error Being used to diff. setting, I didn't realize it was set to unlock upon completion of charging. So when my 1st press would actually lock it.
For me it takes two quick successive presses to remove the charger handle (if the car is not fully charged). But I do have to remove the handle immediately after the second press, and I mean immediately.