alright so i just bringed to the shop they checked for leak and didnt see any so they went ahead and vacuum and charge the a/c system and the noise went away and the a/c is ice cold now. they say they tested the system when they pressureizing the system and the number did not drop thats another sign theres no leak in the system thats what they say so let see in a couple month and see if the a/c still ice cold.
Yay! But there has to be a leak or you would not have lost the coolant to begin with unless vandals got in under the hood and vented it through one of the Schrader valves. It's just such a small leak that the shop could no detect it, I guess. You'd think their sniffer would have detected something. Anyway, if it's that small of a leak, it should be quite a while before it gets low again.
i think the car have been to a front end crash cause 1 of the headlight looks new and the other is old. and the bumper wasnt aligned well. mybe the condensor was damaged and replaced but didnt recharge the a/c?
so my meter went off again when its cold, im trying to order the meter and forgot whats the actual mileage was is there any way to see the odometer milage?