Aloha all! So 2008 Prius 100k miles on Oahu Hawaii. No real issues. Was on the mainland dealing with some health issues and left the car for 6 months without being ran and about 1/4 tank of gas. Came back to it and wouldn't start. I replaced the 12v battery AND the hybrid battery. Car will start, runs for about 5-10 seconds and then dies. Attached are some photos and a couple gifs showing what my reader tells me. (For some reason at the time I took the video there were no codes. When I tried to start it again, it through out P3190) I cleaned the MAF and throttle body and air filter. All looked ok. The throttle looked clean, however when I looked into the casing it looked dirty at the bottom. I've been reading it could be the fuel pump. Am going to try to test pump to see if it's the culprit. Anyone have suggestions? I'm trying to just get it working so I can sell it. Anyone dealt with this beast after having it sit for so long? Many mahalos! SM-N960U ?
Also, how can you keep the traction battery from dieing while I try to start the gas engine over and pver again during my diagnosing process. Thank you!
Replaced the hv battery with what? ICE is not staring and running; rather that's the HV battery cranking the ICE that is failing to run. STOP now before the HV battery SOC falls below minimum operating thresholds.
I replaced the HV batt with the Dorman from Napa autoparts. I disconnected the HV batt and 12v batt while I try to figure out why the ICE won't run. SM-N960U ?
Yes oil seems ok. Going to give oil change and investigate the fuel pump. Cleaned MAF and throttle body. Put a bunch of fuel stabilizer into the tank hoping that would kinda clean it up. SM-N960U ?
Dormans are used batteries; please look into its state of health. The long period of sitting unused most likely weakened it to the point it will no longer start the car.
You cannot. Its a real problem your situation because repeated attempts to start and run will flag an already really low battery real fast and then the engine will not even turn over. Only way to do that is put the hybrid battery on a charger we all use Prolong chargers. Its a 240 dc volt @..333 ma charger. You need Toyota techstream software. Same software the dealer uses. That Actron will not pull hybrid codes and your in hybrid failure real soon. In the meantime I would change out that gas its probably bad. use the search forums tab up top and search toyota techstream to see your alternatives.
Many use products from Prolong Battery Systems | Hybrid Automotive California, USA You might look into a used E-C Apparatus Corporation EC570, usually under 100, and with some resaerch you might find another "Electrophoresis Power Supply" for even less as there are a bunch on the used market. If you find something for less, please share here. Here is the workup for DTC P3190 :
Gas may go bad within 6 months. Make that, gas will probably go bad in 6 months. So whatever your electrical problems might be (minimally a discharged HV battery) you should also siphon out the gas currently in there and put in fresh fuel. As a general rule, never let a hybrid just sit for an extended period of time. If one must leave such a car for months have a relative or neighbor drive it periodically.
That will not work. The fuel stabilizer needed to go in while the gas was still good. Siphon the tank (safely!) and put in new fuel.
Not only is Pasadena_commute correct about ½year old gas, you can't put stabilizer in old gas that has partly turned turned into varnish & make it fresh again. Drain it or forget about getting your prius resurrected. After you boil all your contaminated parts out, put the stabilizer in BEFORE you store your ride - next time. .
Looks like the OP was online in the last couple of days, am curious what did or didn't work for the above issue(s).