Picked a bad battery car up here in the PNW yesterday and flew in and swapped out the bad module, now I’m taking a road trip back to California and will then recondition the battery properly and sell it. Upon start up this morning, I got a check engine light (might have had to do without the cold temps). I plug in my tech stream on my laptop, and it’s giving me the “Cannot connect to VIM error”. Yesterday, I scanned the car and everything worked fine with techstream. I packed the laptop and the cable in my bag overnight and now this. The cable LED light is green, so I know it’s getting power from the laptop. But it’s not getting any information from the car, so something is up. Any help would be appreciated.
I have reset the computer twice and I’m not getting anything. I’m pretty computer illiterate and i didn’t set this up myself.
One thing that you could check is that you did connect the cable to same USB on the computer? Unfortunately as it's most likely a problem related to computer or the cable it's not really possible to help you much more if you're not at least ok with computers. You could of could of course read the codes with some other tool or at some place. Then you would know the codes and that there's nothing in the car stopping you reading the codes.
Also double check the pins. Sometimes they can get bent. Just bend them back with a needle nosed pliers. Possibly switch to a different usb port on the computer?
Ok. Now after trying to bend it back, and then testing in 2 different cars, I’ve determined this cable needs to be repaired. My question is now, if I order a new cable, will it be plug and play or will I need to download new stuff?
Shouldn't do as long as it is replaced with the same make/model (you don't say what you have). But in any case, if you change to a different brand, you should only need to install the new cable's driver and then select the new cable in Techstream.
I have the new Diagking tech stream here from amazon. The cable appears to be slightly different, however and I could use some help installing the drivers. Anyone out there that could help someone in need? I have team viewer.
I just had a quick look at a Diagking cable on Amazon, and it appears to be an Xhorse clone with v2.0.4 drivers, so, I would think you can just plug in this cable and go. There shouldn't be any need to install anything. If you get stuck, I'd be happy to try and help. Just PM (click on Start a Conversation under my avatar in the sidebar) me and we will try and work out a synchronized time across the time zones. All the best.