2013. 140k miles, has been maintained exclusively by toyota orlando. just got the car and the girl who had it, sold to me for dirt with sprinkles price.. drove it a couple hundred miles and then all hell broke loose, I immediately called her and she was legit not knowing what happened.. she came to meet me at toyota and sit down with the service manager and lead tech, and they went over everything and the tech knew what was wrong but the service writer was being a service writer and tried to sell me a new engine yada yada.. anyhow, my autel 906TC said 13 codes, Oil was clean, no shavings, no holes in the block, no knock codes, but was all in the ignition, 3 and 4 misfire, 1 3 4 were firing out of order, I tried to run live view to see what was happening but the hybrid battery is dead dead and car is useless now until I charge it up.. is this a normal issue? or did the timing chain jump and all my valves are coleslaw..
I have had a BUNCH of 2nd gen prius, i still have 2 over 250K and run amazingly.. this 2013 is totally different with the EGR..
How the engine coolant level, holding steady, or dropping? My guess is head gasket, but what codes, is p0300, p0301 among them? Yup.
If you paid the previous owner dirt and sprinkles, you probably aren't out much money. You can probably get a new head gasket and clean out the EGR system with the money saved
honestly think its a head gasket? there's no cooling or oil issues.. I haven't had time to rip the firewall down to get the plugs out and boroscope them.. P0300 Pending and history P0303 Pending and history P0304 Current P0351 Current P0353 Current P0354 Current Got the car for 500 bucks
She legit pulled the 12v battery to reset all codes and sold it. Miles later the misfired happened. Anyone who buys a used car need to run a test on the monitors to check if there online before buying, this tells you if 12v was disconnected or cels were erased.
+1 One easy way to tell would be to look at the MFD and see how far back the history goes, in miles. Whether or not she defibbed the car, she legit never checked her oil level. I'm thinking that if you look at the vehicles service history (which you should have done before you bought the car....) you'll probably notice that she did the 10k oil check and change regularly.....just like clockwork, until this funny little red light came on - which "probably" caused an oil change before the normal 10k periodicity. I call that little red light the "change owner' light. It has many names..... Your location is "earth" but I noticed that there's a dead leaf (deciduous, not pine) hanging out under your hood, so you might not be totally screwed if you live on free soil and you can get your car out of the dealership without writing a check with a comma in it. Get the car to an independent wrench and have them de-gunk your throttle body, EGR cooler, PCV valve and install an oil catch can, and THEN put a head gasket on. If you do that you're probably good for another 70,000 miles or so out of this little creme puff. Otherwise, the car will be auctioned off to somebody else (more dirt and sprinkles) and THEY will put a little TLC into the car and get most of 100,000 miles back out of it. In other words.......the car isn't a 'bad' car.....it just had a bad owner. You can still turn that frown upside-down and have a good, dependable, gas-sipper. Your call. If you live someplace where people wait in line at a Costco for gas and you're not allowed to buy (and install) an aftermarket catalytic converter, or an oil catch can then my best advice would be to let the dealership keep the car and take a taxi to another car dealer and pick out something else. Good Luck!
You can follow all the rules, bring your 3rd gen in for it's scheduled maintenance, check the dipstick regularly, stay on top of it, and still blow a head gasket, easy. It's the #@$% EGR circuit, with it's buddy the PCV steadily barfing into the intake manifold. Most owners haven't heard about it; and Toyota's staying really sotto voce about it. They have this phrase they like to trot out, in the Warranty Enhancement Program notifications (and they underline it): "While the majority of vehicles will not experience this condition" Oh, and the notification for the EGR basically says to not worry, until you notice engine shakes and/or warning lights. Up until then everything's jake.
im a mechanic, I just haven't had any time at all to tear into this thing, hence you have to rip the whole car apart to get the plugs out.. im going tomorrow to do a leak down test, compression, visual etc.. im 100% going to fix this car, so I mostly was just looking for the oh yeah its that comments.. IE head gasket looks like.. stupid EGR.. I moved away from commie fornia 10 years ago and haven't looked back. so I can do what I want.. thanks for the input!! Does the EGR throw a code? 140k seems like a for sure item to replace / clean..
After you have done the windshield wipers a time or two it's not that bad. Be very careful as the windshield hangs down and can easily be cracked
EGR clogging will throw a code, but it tends to be really late in the game, around the time the head gasket packs it in?
oh perfect, took the cheat sheet directly from every car made in Germany except the nazi cars, they were built reich..
FINALLY finished with the car, ended up being all 4 coils went bad at the same time, no idea how, but rust on them all, and replaced plugs and coils and runs like brand new.. compression was perfect, leak down test showed a small amount but its due to the horrific amount of sludge in the intake passages... so I cleaned the intake, EGR, and PCV, and added a catch can so hopefully I don't have to do this ever again.. what a nightmare this car is compared to my 07 and 09... Thanks again for your input and recommendations..
These gen3’s really show is how fantastic the gen2 was(is)! Our 2005 was running smooth even at 340k, while the 2010 couldn’t make it to 200k without major oil consumption and head gasket problems. We replace the engine ourselves, and now a few years later it burn oil like mad, and has head gasket issues.