hi , I am new to hybrid car and I was looking for a 2nd generation prius 2008/2009 I saw all your posts and advice for using a used old prius "checking the battery , the brake accumulator ...etc also I checked the long trip comfort post and it seems not comfort enough on long drive, so I am driving a 2002 Toyota echo now and I was thinking with all the problems you describe the cheapest one can cause a price of a hole echo also it won't be more comfort and I think I won't save that much in gas the only positive thing I see is that it will be quite cause I have a broken exhaust in my echo I was really looking into prius before I saw the comments in here now I can't find a reason to buy it
The repairs to a used Gen2 Prius using used parts aren't much more expensive that a regular car. The reason the prices for Prius repair seem so high is that brand new parts cost way too much and dealership often try to make sure the cost of repairs is more expensive selling you a brand new car finance package that seem cheaper at first but is way more expensive later on... Many times I've helped people who were told their Prius repairs would be in the $5K range and it was very easy to get them back on the road for only a few hundred dollars. As for your echo, that was actually the original Gen1 Prius that was built in Japan in late 1990's. But back then they were uncertain about selling a Hybrid car in US markets, so they decided to wait a couple years and simply stripped the hybrid part of it out and sold it in the US as the Toyota Echo. In terms of deciding between fixing your Echo's exhaust vs. buying a Gen2 Prius, if I were you, I'd base that decision on how often and how far you drive. If you only drive a few times a week and not very far, stick with fixing the Echo's exhaust system. But if you are driving every day for hours and much if it is above 40mph, a Gen2 Prius is the way to go in terms of long terms cost and reliability. Catch is, you have to figure out if you or a friend or a local mechanic can help you source used parts and make repairs when the car needs 'em. But in general Toyota Prius are just as awesome as Toyota trucks in terms of reliability and longevity.
I usually do fix the car myself unless its something that I can't do like engine or transmission work , all the rest I can do it my self I kind of replaced my exhaust but the manifold bolts are rusted , stuck and stripped , hard to reach but anyway that's not our subject I found a good deal on a 2009 prius with 115k miles and he is asking $3600 , it seems clean from the photos but I didn't see it or test it yet , I think if I liked I will go to a pro mechanic to make sure everything is ok , but what I am afraid of is the future , like if I can use it for kind of 3 years without major repair ill be happy but who knows I also found 2 prius in the scrap yard witch I wasn't expected to see but of course they have no battery and I thing they were 1st gen I usually drive daily to work 50% city 50 % highway almost 30miles daily between 30 an 50 miles per hour and I am in Canada so we spin and slide a lot everyday
Don't listen to Bisco... Because you know how to fix basic stuff and this website is a near unlimited resource for fixing the harder stuff and you're looking at a ridiculously great deal for 2009 Prius, it it checks out, If I were you I'd buy it before someone else does.
Hmm... When you say it's not comfortable? Well...how uncomfortable is it? Because once you buy it, it's not going to suddenly become more comfortable. Some people have been absolutely miserable and never been able to adjust or adapt to the ergonomics of the Prius seats. This leads to asking about pillows, cushions, and other ergonomic changing projects. But I would say, if you're NOT comfortable sitting in the vehicle, don't underestimate how big a problem that can become. You are NOT going to want to drive anything, you aren't comfortable sitting in.
I didn't really test it I only found my information in here Is Prius comfortable for a long trip? | PriusChat usually when I have a long road trip I use my Sienna cause it is very comfort I know that the Echo will break my back for a trip of a 100 miles but its ok to use it going to work level of comfort is different for each one , I know I don't feel comfort in corollas or civic cause of the low seat position "close to the ground " it may seems weird but I felt more comfort in my Echo than a bmw i3
i will go to see it today and test it , its the best deal i found until now on market even i had a feeling that there is something hidden behind it cause of the mileage the price and it has been couple weeks on market , i will go and test it anyway
Common scenario: the HV battery or brake accumulator (or something else) have coded (and since been cleared) and the current owner decides to sell instead of fix. So many threads of new owners posting here who get trouble lights from either a few days to a month later after purchase. GOOD LUCK!
Congratulations on some sound reasoning. A hybrid is not for everybody. And OLD hybrids are likely to cost more in repairs than you will ever save on gas. A small(ish) economy gas car is often a much better value overall.
so after testing the car I won't go with an old prius , I would rather wait and get a certified one maximum 4 years old with low mileage , as you guys said old one will cost more in parts and labor , thanks all
no I am still interested in the car I know its the best hybrid car in the market but I am just saying ill prefer to buy recent models
I must have always owned terrible cars, because my 08 is without question, the best ride I have ever experienced, for everyday driving. Even my recent 1,000+ mile trip didn't cause undo strain.
It's absolutely subjective. The ergonomic interaction between whatever Prius seat and the user, differs from person to person, I also never had any problem with my Prius and the seat. It was comfortable enough. BUT... I have read enough threads and posts where it was a problem for some people to believe it can sometimes be a pretty serious problem.
the comparison can't be always fair for small cars like when finish a trip with our family car the Sienna and I go back to my echo I feel the difference right away , its not comfortable my mind knows that I can't compare between them but my back doesn't understand that
You're not really COMPARING anything. You're testing the compatibility of the seat in the vehicle you are thinking of buying, with you're own back. Sometimes in a test drive, or a short period of time, it's hard to determine how comfortable the seat may or may not be. BUT if you can determine whether it's going to be a problem, it's a good thing to know BEFORE purchasing.
yesterday i went to test a 2020 prius prime , i love it , its way different than the 2009 i drove before , more comfort, calm , it handle better on the road , also i like the idea that it goes the first 40km on battery after that it goes to hybrid mode , the interior looks very good specially the big control screen ,they have 8 years grantee on the charging system and a 10 years or 240k on the battery , the only downside for me that its around $45k , i wouldn't even think twice if it was in the $30k range i would sign immediately