2014: plugin Prius says depress brake pedal to start. The battery was low and we went on a trip. upon our return the car would not start. I replaced battery with a new battery and the same thing so I replaced the brake light switch. When I leave the car after I go through the start procedure the car beeps like it should when the key leaves the car. Following is a list of things the car will and will not do. Headlights will turn on Break pedal will power up and move Fan in rear of car turns on Front and back seat interior lights come on Horn Emergency flashers Parking button illuminates green Ignition is Amber Things that will not work Blinkers Running lights Brake lights Electric mirrors radio Instrument cluster Rear compartment light Door locks Seat heaters Trunk beeps but does not open Gas door will not open but car says ready to fuel this stays on until I manually open the door and close it
Welcome. Sorry. We seem to have missed your post for a few days. Sounds like you might have a blown a fuse or two. But with that many things acting up, I'm afraid it could be mice in the wiring. But I hope not.
My Mechanic told us to put Irish Spring in the engine compartment in a net, trunk and inside the car to detract mice...So far this is working in my shed and cars....FILO
That's really interesting. I usually use that brand of bar soap and we like to keep a supply of such things on hand. However, the strong smell of those bars in the linen closet bothers my wife, so we keep the soap in the garage. Maybe I've been protecting my car's wiring all this time and didn't even know it.