I just installed the software on an old Dell laptop with win XP. Connected to the car for the first time today. I can see all the ECU modules. The one I was interested in was the Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensor. I click on it and another screen pops up telling me that no communication with "ID4" (I was expecting this because my TPMS light flashing) When I click on the "Data List" though, windows says it encountered an unexpected error and needs to shut down the program. I have tried it several times and always the same outcome. Is this a know issue or am I doing something wrong?
I am wondering if I did something wrong during the installation. I watched many videos on how to install the Techstream. Generally they were the same but I observed slight differences between methods which confused me. I will try it on friend's car tomorrow.
It’s hard to say. Toyota’s list of known problems in the Techstream software includes one that is vaguely similar, but it could also be a problem with the vehicle interface module or its software rather than Techstream itself. If you can use other Data List pages but not this one, it’s probably not your technique.
the tpms part of the program is pretty bad. I programmed my prius with the same version you are using. Its saying ID4 I would bank that the 4th sensor is broke or the battery is dead. If things are right, that translates to the drivers side rear tire. But if they are rotated then its been moved. I bought a tpms reader cause I got sick of messing with this stuff. You have to fix the problem outside of the car computer then tell the car computer the numbers for all the sensors. Its really a hokey solution. Go get the sensors checked by someone with a reader to identify the broke one, replace the broke one then program the number of the new sensor using tech stream. I got replacements off ebay for 10 bucks each. seller is 9gr_auto, looks like he has raised prices to 15 bucks each. You need to get someone to read all of them so you can fix all of them at once. The only information the car tells you is at least one of them is not working properly. I had the light on the prius I bought the other day and it turned out that all 4 tires were below the lower set point. Added air and the light goes off. who would have thought.
Yu are right, it will be hard to say what is causing this. I will try different functions and I will also try it on different car. I will then try a new installation but I cannot try another interface because I only have one. I didn't pay anything for the whole thing, I can't complain much for the money but it has taken a lot of time than it is worth.
Tires absolutely rotated several times. So I have no ideas where the original ID4 is now. My plan was to find it by reducing the air on each tire one by one while monitoring the live tire pressure data but I cannot get into live data mode. My TPMS light is blinking not solid. So it is indicating an issue in the system rather than low air. I will fix the tpms issue but I still need the TechStream for other issues. I would like to get this software working properly for me... I will check the ebay link you posted. Thanks.
Just a quick update... I tried the Techstream on my friend's Prius Gen3. I got the same warning when I clicked on the "Data List" unfortunately. I tried it both on Tire Pressure Monitor and Brake modules and the result didn't change. That part of the TechStream (probably the most important part) isn't functioning for me. It seems more of a software issue than the Mini VCI interface to me but I do not have another Mini VCI to try. I am sad because I was very excited for this software.
Remember that a software component provided with the vehicle interface (a DLL implementing the SAE J2534 API) is loaded and run in the same address space as Techstream.exe. Without further investigation, it’s difficult to say whether the problem is in this component or in the Techstream software from Toyota. I’d suggest trying another vehicle interface, preferably one that uses different software.