"T" is the first letter in my first name (Trevor) and "Grracie" is the name of my West Highland Terrier.
I had been wondering about both of your handles. Interesting! Would you believe that mine is my first and middle name slammed together? I hope not!! Simply my name and my wife's name, but we're actually closer than that.
I had to look it up. This... Salamander King | Overlord Wiki | Fandom I can't even remember if my son ever defeated him. But this creature was on our TV screen for a long, long time. I never got to play it with him, though not sure if multiplayer mode existed in those days of video games. Only role playing game I ever completed is the ZORK. If you know what that is...
I just threw out the last of my 5 1/4" floppies. Amazing how many of those will fit on a little thumb drive now. My avatar is my first Prius, out in a farm field, as at the time it was "outstanding in its field"! Then I made up a latin sounding Prius-y username for this forum. My normal username elsewhere has the real story. Shark86x. My drinking buddies - Grunt and Squid (for their military service) used to call me Shark because they said I would circle the women in the bar and when the time was right I'd hit hard like a shark feeding frenzy. (I don't know about that but I guess I used that approach when I met my wife later on.) The 86 stands for Agent 86 of CONTROL, my favorite TV show from my younger days, and I added the x because shark86 was taken at the time. All my wife will ever know is that Shark simply rhymes with Mark...
I had a friend with a Trash 80. He liked it. I'm just now reading the book "Hackers." It's kind of an interesting look into the people who gradually brought computers from hulking mainframes guarded by priests in while lab coats to household appliances.
Don't copy that floppy! I actually recently obtained a new-production expansion card for an Apple II. You put an old camera memory card in it and it pretends to be a hard disk. Using it to scrape the very last of my old stuff off of 5-1/4" media. Zork wasn't really my thing but I loved some of the other Infocom titles. Now, I have played 7 consecutive perfect (64/64) games of Choplifter.
I can't remember how I came up with "The Electric Me". Not that I don't trust you guys. But as far as general, open forum conversation in an environment like Prius Chat? I appreciate the degree of anonymity afforded a "nonsense" name. My paranoia would preclude me from using my actual name. I mean I have to provide name, address, next of kin, and fingerprints just to sign in to get a haircut now. It's refreshing to be able to log in to Prius Chat...simply as The Electric Me.
I still own, but do not use, an Apple ][ from 1979. I still know WAY too much about the internals of an Apple. I claim I do not have 40 years of computer experience, I have 1 year of experience 40 times in a row. So much I could forget! When my daughter wanted to get on the internet at 12, in 1996, I made her and all her friends make up fake a identity and location. She chose AmIdoji. "female school friend" Once she started Cosplay, she had an established screen name she used there, too. If you google amidoji and click images, they are all her in costume. amidoji - Google Search At 25 she started using her real name as well.
My son did not fall far from the tree. He was able to get an almost new Apple ][c with its case that got forgotten and was going to be scrapped. He also got some Japanese PCs that predate (and are incompatible with) the IBM PC. That is in addition to some old Atari systems he got. For some reason, his day job is in IT.
Don't remember how I came up with mine. It was late one night and I was looking for Prius information....and,.,the original name was Cyberprius. As was my password. Then -- these were the days that Danny actually showed up on the board now and then? Danny made a decree that you could not have the same name and password. Good thing, but really.....so what if someone hacked my PC account. Anyway, I meant to change the password, but for some reason, everything got mucked up and I ended up having to set a new user name also. Do not remember how long I was "Cyberprius," but I think a few months, anyway, if not a year or so... And, no Bisco, my new password is not cyberprius.....indeed....I think it would be a fairly tough one to guess as it makes no sense whatsoever and this is the only place I use that particular "word," but then, I am often that way anyway. kris
Mine is from my favorite jazz guitarist. Wes Montgomery. He invented the sound that George Benson would copy.
I was given the name from some people that saw me play at a bluegrass festival. It was originally El Dobro Supremo, but down through the years, it was shortened to El Dobro.
Hi Stevewoods, Not sure if you knew this, but your google image is from a "Twightlight Zone" series. The one with a little boy with too much power. He forced his father to wear the dunce hat for telling him what to do.
My first exposure was an IBM 360, complete with punched cards. Syntax errors were a real bummer. You didn't just hit backspace. Circa 1976. I was hooked! Back to the thread.