From this just published article - "PHEVs Can Give Us 90% of the Benefits of EVs, without the Drawbacks" Plug-In Hybrids Are Still A Useful Tool To Fight For The Environment | CleanTechnica
another bridge, no problem. but idk if they can get the prices low enough vs the future of batteries.
Yes. We're at the end of January and had to use the gasoline engine on only two days during the month. The car reports an overall effective fuel use of 800.8 mpg for the month. Electric driving is a pleasure. Quiet and smooth with no transmission shift points. Gasoline mode is always there for those times that you need it. We are a one car family and the Prime has proven to be just about perfect. Almost all of our trips are well within its electric range. It's plugged in an charging when it's at home. And the gasoline engine has been quite capable of hundreds of miles of highway driving on several distant vacation trips including one of about 500 miles to Montreal. (And the Prime speedometer can be switched easily to display km/hr when crossing the border. A kilometer is slightly shorter than a mile which, I am told, means that people in Canada get even better fuel economy because they don't have to drive as far.) I suppose it's all a matter of lifestyle and driving patterns. For us, the PHEV is a good fit. But, as they say, "your mileage may vary."
If and when my prime starts the gas engine, I think something very wrong just happened to my car and it stuns me for a moment. Honestly, once you drive around town for a while in pure EV mode, you will never ever want to drive a gas car again. Really. The power and silence is too addictive to want to go back. And so much cheaper to "fuel" up. In late 2018, I filled up the gas tank. In September 2019 we drove to Maine, and in Ohio I had to buy gas for the first time that year, because when we left Chicago, there was still 7/8ths of a tank of that same 2018 gas.
Unfortunately electric cost more than gas in our region, and there are no charge stations in our area. PHEV is the ONLY viable alternative to BEV. And it gives the flexibility to drive all on the electric for a short day to day drive which regular hybrid can not.
In Grand Rapids Michigan they have removed some charging stations. ChargePoint removed them from Celebration Cinemas lots. Can't charge other electric cars easily anywhere but home. A PHEV is also my only option due to my work life. I run in EV most of the time. Long tips on gas. RAV4 prime will be next PHEV. Really want a Tesla but can't pull the trigger. Michigan is so Backward thinking. We can't live in the 1950's. Not many charging locations
Prius Prime is cheaper than Prius in some places given generous Fed+ State rebates. Even without that cost is not bad at all, probably related to some extent to Toyota's need to sell them for CARB credits, but you just gotta realize that type of vehicle is being favored by the regs so that helps a lot. .
I love how BEV fans rail against carrying the gas engine and its paraphernalia on the PHEV, but totally ignore carrying a 300 mile battery most of the time when they only need 30 miles. That battery weighs a lot, has a very significant environmental footprint, but we don't talk a bout that. We just rail on people that want to go where there are no chargers (mountains, nature, etc) and are not willing to carry two cars' worth of expense. While I am not a big fan of "fans", I do believe BEV is the future. I want a BEV badly myself and I appreciate the enthusiasm of the current owners and "fans". I do not appreciate their arguments most of the time, however. We are in transition right now and in some finite (and not so long) period of time we will be preferring BEVs as consumers. I know it, you know it and managers in GM know it. So please, "fans" chill out!
I don't know. Currently, between our 2015 Prius, 2017 RAV4 HV and 2019 ZR1...we couldn't happier. If/when BEVs take over market share, Priuschat will be as relevant as TDIClub.