Driving my 2015 Prius (18,000 miles) from Detroit, MI to Fort Lauderdale, FL this Thursday, which appears to be around 1,400 miles each way. I have about 3,500 miles on this oil change, tires were just rotated and I adjusted their pressures earlier today. Anything else I should check before I go? Anything I should bring with me in case of busted rubber, or misfortune on the interstate? Any tips are appreciated.
check all the fluid levels, and both air filters. pump up the tires, check the oil level. ww fluid. check the spare and tools. i carry a piece of plywood for under the jack on soft ground, gloves, plenty of rags, breaker bar. we just mad the trip, same distance from beantown. smooth sailing, but keep your eyes open. we take 3 days, i don't drive after dark anymore. all the best, have fun!
Check all fluids such as coolant including the inverter, brake, and oil. Also make sure your air filter and cabin are not dirty. If they are replace them. Do you have a spare tire in the trunk?
Besides checking all your fluid levels also check your wallet level. Should be more than half full. Mike
I just joined this platform and I have to say, it’s as terrifying as it is comforting. I’m in the process of driving my 2012 Prius from NYC to LA, currently in AZ with the odometer at 200,500. I’m always diligent about the maintenance, synthetic oil every 6k miles, and before I left I had the spark plugs changed, air filter replaced, and brakes and rotors done. I never worried when it had lower mileage, but I’m kind of worried it won’t make it back to NY now Nonetheless, I drive about 700 miles a week even when I’m not traveling and this car has always been an absolute champ. I wouldn’t worry about a short road trip like that!
I think a AAA membership is a requirement (or similar). It has saved my bacon more than once. But sometimes the "service" takes a lot longer than you would hope for. A spare cell phone battery is good too. A portable USB one can be had pretty cheap these days.
In addition to others..... 1. Audiobooks. 2. Ummmmm......No. Not going there. 3. If you carry (some up there do...) - check reciprocates, innocent passage, etc.... 4. You use "I" instead of "we" so I would consider an app like Waze. I don't use it personally (too clingy) but when I'm travelling solo I will check ahead semi-occasionally for slow downs and my CFO will check every hour or so.....especially if you're going through a city during the lunch crunch or evening drive time. 5. 1q Gatorade bottle.... (in case you forget #4 and get stuck in traffic.)
I usually lean away from major maintenance right before a long trip....just in case the mechanic has a bad day resulting in a break-down 1400 miles from home, and while I do not consider a CVT fluid change to be "major" I'm thinking also that another 3k on the fluid wouldn't be 'major' either. The car in question is a 2015 with 18,000 miles if I'm remembering the OP - but my advice would be the same at 118,000. YMMV
When I requested my local hybrid-repair shop to change ALL fluids on my Gen 2, CVT was one they completely ignored. As a weak DIY'er, I changed it myself without incident, and got improved economy afterward.
@bisco, were you behind the wheel of that blue Plug-In that went zipping past me on I-95 heading south near Richmond, VA on Friday, 1/24? Unlike some people, I have my cruise control set to 65 to save the planet.
sorry, no. i'm in the second to right lane doing the limit. but we take the black hycam to florida, my back won't suffer the prius seat for 2 1/2 long days.
Thanks everyone. I topped off the washer fluid, checked the engine oil (was still very clean looking and on the “full” mark), checked my engine air filter, and topped off the tires. We left the comfy northern Detroit suburbs at 6:20am today, and are currently in southern Tennessee. We will drive to our Airbnb and arrive around 9:30pm. Waze has been a GREAT help, thanks for that recommendation!! Impressed with the gas mileage - naturally - especially driving through mountain grades for quite a while. First fuel up yielded 45.2mpg and second one 47.5mpg! Trust me this isn’t bad for 3 grown adults and all the luggage we have. Currently we are getting 49.4mpg on this tank so far (115 miles on trip odo.) As a passenger I also was able to finally get the “entune” app downloaded and working on my JBL head unit. Kinda neat, but some of the apps don’t work.
bought it used two years ago, put 80k miles on it in that time! I may get flak for assigning human characteristics to my very inhuman car, but it’s like my child and I love it haha. It’s the second Prius I’ve owned, and it’s seen me through many a long road trip!
A little late to the thread but a couple of things I do before a trip, Change oil, filters and do the tire rotation if the expected mileage of the trip will exceed the maint. interval. I keep a plug kit and air compressor in my car at all times. Had a flat once and the off-level area available on the side of the road was pretty sketchy. Added the air compressor soon after that. Should not be a problem this time of year but in the warmer months I make sure I have the bug cleaning formula of windshield washer fluid loaded up and a spare gallon in the car. Rain-X applied before the trip has also become part of my pre trip rituals as of late. Another item I keep forgetting is to move a set of extra wiper blades to storage in my car. Twice now I have had to buy wiper blades while on a road trip because of squeaking or jumpy blades in light rain. Does not seem to bother me on shorter trips but several hours or a few days of the noise starts to bother me. I buy my blades online at a much better price than the over 10 dollar price I paid at Walmart on my last trip.
Flat tires....that can ruin a day. As above check spare and removal & jacking tools tools. In that regard if no spare....buy a plug kit, air pump, sealant. Consider if stranded/ long wait for tow. Water, sun protection, AAA card, cell phone charger. Wishing you good luck on your travel plans.