Wrong. No problem. With synthetic, the interval is 10k miles or 12 months, whichever comes first. What you can't do is wait that long to check the oil. I would check it weekly till you get a feel for how fast your car is burning it. See my previous sentence. Yup! Probably considerable damage even before your adventure and now it's worse. Plus, if it burns oil badly enough, it'll eventually ruin the catalytic converter, too. No har in driving it till it dies, but just know that it's on borrowed time.
Kind of doubt it. Car's in great shape and people probably do this all the time. Not everyone who owns a Prius is as car-centric as some of the people here.
Meaning people get low pressure light when doing turns and let oil level go all the time? Verdict has ruled against Jerry Mildred.
There should have been no problem whatsoever in waiting 6 months (or even a year, if miles don't rack up) to change the oil. The problem was waiting that long to check the oil level. That wasn't just a top-off, it was a refill. If you want to keep this engine, don't wait 2000 miles to check it again. Check much sooner than that, then only if it isn't done far will it be safe to wait longer intervals, Just "... a bit ..." ?? It seems that you are still missing something here. When you don't see oil in the dipstick, you had waited much too long. Numerous PC posters encountering this issue have subsequently found permanent high oil consumption. So be sure to monitor the oil level frequently,
Yes, numerous people do this all the time. And many of them run into problems, greatly helping keep auto mechanics and dealers in business. And this is not at all Prius-specific, it happens in all other cars too. BMW had such a serious problem with drivers not bothering to check and then suffering engine damage, that they abolished the dipstick altogether and put in a special oil level sensor. Though disappointment from other drivers has caused them to start bringing back the dipstick.
I guess you really ARE a new driver after all. Oil is lost by being "burned" by the engine, which goes out the tailpipe in the form of smoke OR from a leak. Even if it is from a leak, some leaks only happen while the engine is running. The lack of a puddle of oil where you park means pretty much NOTHING. Check the oil.
That's probably true. And not everyone who ones a Chevy, or a Ford, or any other car. But if you're not "car centric" enough to check your oil, you're in for an expensive driving experience. In fact, since you seem to imply that there's something a little weird about people who take care of what's probably the most expensive thing they own, I'd go so far as to say that if you're not "car centric" enough to check the car's oil, you're not "car centric" enough to be driving one. My parents taught me to take care of my stuff, and a car is pretty expensive stuff.
Same thing but more so since you'll probably be replacing engines even more often. Unless it's worth $1,000 every so often to save a few seconds checking the oil. And you like shopping for beaters. LOL!
I looked, but didn't notice, did you check your oil yet? Maybe I missed where you checked the oil, using the dipstick, in the last day or so? So, did you check your oil? ?????????
What's the problem here? Why should any car owner need to check anything? That's what the warning lights are for, right? Same for gas...no need to look at the gauge, a light will come on and you will start hearing a dinging sound when you need gas. Everybody does it. (and there's another new thread on here where someone else didn't check their oil and is getting a warning light.) You guys here are just car nuts wanting to check the oil and doing maintenance and such. They don't do that in California. They just take it to the shop when it needs oil. Check oil, change oil....whats the difference? And he still wants to argue....let him blow his engine. He probably would think he just got a bad engine, they shouldn't lock up just because they need oil! wow.
At the stage in my life where that was what I was driving, it was still among the most expensive things I owned. I would scout out the slightly elevated places to park, where it would be easier to push start while I earned enough for a newer 12 volt battery.
Maybe you should tell that to the Donald. I just call them like I see them. I strongly suspect that a LOT of others have similar thoughts. Everybody is ignorant about some things but when you keep harping away at it, then that slides over to stupid. It is important to know your own limitations........especially when others point it out to you.