Hi everyone I’m new here, and a new Prius owner from November. Absolutely love my car but ..... this weekend I Was driving my Prius 2010 and heard a louder car, looked around there was no other car it was mine. Then I switched it off at the gas pump and it didn’t come back on the first time, second time it did still with sound. It says check hybrid system Also the ! In a triangle came on and the traction light also the other ! On the other side came on. Any ideas guys?!! I’m gonna hopefully call the garage tomorrow and have someone look at it but I’m stressing myself out that it’s gonna be expensive having only just got the car
You've come to the right place... We'll be able to give you a range or repair options from least expensive to most expensive. And if you want to pay even more than most expensive, your local Toyota dealer specializes in ripping people off once your car is old enough to be out of warranties and recalls. First step is those dash lights mean error codes have been stored and once we know the error codes we can start to talk about repair options. Most automotive code readers at auto parts stores or local mechanics will read primary codes, but we also need the sub codes. A Blutooth OBD2 reader with Dr. Prius app can read thosesub-codes. Or a mini VCI cable plugged into that same port that runs on Toyota Techstream can get that data for you. Hopefully you like to work on cars and you'll be able to save on money in huge ways because of that. If not, then finding an honest local mechanic who's comfortable working on hybrids will be your best bet. Please let us know the error codes once you got 'em?
Ok so,.. the mechanic did his thing with his computer lol,. He cleared the codes and all lights gone off and it’s running fine ♀️
The codes that mechanic cleared need to be addressed or they'll most likely return... You can do this yourself via Dr. Prius App and spending ~$20 on a bluetooth OBD2 reader Hybrid battery diagnostic and repair tool for Toyota and Lexus Once you know the error codes and most importantly subcodes, we can help you with the most affordable fix.
Maybe you were filling up with gas while car was on ready and threw the evap code without the gas cap on right after regen happened to kick in.
Hello there, I have the exact same symptoms as describe. My code is P0A80 "Replace Hybrid Battery Pack". I have 3 of those codes, 1 says "permanent" and the other 2 say "pending". I clear the code but it keeps coming back. I have a 2013 with 160k miles. some times the Christmas tree lights with come on without the accompanying loud engine noise as described up there. I pulled the battery packs out; clean the fan which was very dirty ; I clean battery copper connectors, some of which were starting to corrode. Yet the symptoms persist..... What should I do next? Please, Any updates? did it happened again? how many miles when it happened? How many miles since code cleared?
That's the primary error code saying something is wrong with the hybrid battery. What you need to find out is the secondary codes that say what's specifically wrong inside the system. Once we know those error codes we can help you figure out what needs attention. What are you using to read the error codes? Dr. Prius App or Toyota Techstream via mini-VCI cable are the only system I know that read subcodes.
Yes i did clear all code after cleaning except for the one that says "Permanent ", apparently that one is supposed to go away by itself after a while if the problem is solved. No I didn't check the 12 volt battery, do you that might be the problem? I used the Autel bluetooth OBD2 scanner, I got it from Walmart. I downloaded the DrPrius app, but it doesn't seem to be compatible with my reader. I can't get it to connect.... Are you familiar with the DrPrius configuration? Is there a specific kind of OBD2 scanner that I need to buy ? Cus from their Demo vid it's seemed to me like it's supposed to work with any kind of bluetooth OBD2.
Go the Amazon or Ebay.... get the wired unit (3') with USB on one end and OBD2 on the other and Toyota Techstream software that uses your computer.
Yep... These OBD2 Readers are a pain to shop for... 2 years ago it wasn't till the fourth one I purchased online that I got it to work. Here's a buyer's guide: Hybrid battery diagnostic and repair tool for Toyota and Lexus