I wasn't sure where to post this. The suction started to wear off, I guess the direct heat from the sun caused this, and I had to remove my phone holder that was mounted on my windshield. Now there's this goopy glue, kind of like rubber cement that is very hard to remove. I got a bunch of it off with a blade, but I'm wondering how to get the remainder off, how to do it without getting the crap all over my hands, and if this glue is toxic. Hope someone has experience with this. Lastly, I have gone through several phone holders. Why do they all suck? I want the kind that mounts to a windshield but it seems they never last.
Oxymoron. Use goo gone to remove the residue, if you think that’s bad wait til you remove tree saps from the entire car like I had to do 2 months ago.
It's probably the sun and heat that's causing the rubber suction to disintegrate. You might try the Scotch reclosable fasteners to attach objects to the windshield. They have amazing holding power and you can attach/detach as needed. They're often used to hold EZ-Pass devices to windshields.
why do they all suck? Because anything that is permanent to stick to glass will be destructive when removed
But getting those that stick in your vents is asinine, as that blocks wind flow. And why would I stick it in my cd player? There's no other option!