I wounder if one could just turn this void in to a catch back (instead of having a catch can) just put the steel wool inside this compartment. Hmmmmmm........
Don't mean to hijack the thread. Brace yourself, next week to 2 it'll be blowing snow in the northwest. A lot of coffee and burning candles. and a good snow tires too for a test run!
Excellent pictures! I would stick with external oil catch can: much easier to access, proven track record, gets rid of the gunk, keeps the oil cleaner. Amazing internal casting btw.
if you can insert a fiberscope inside the cylinder passing through the spark plug housing and see if one of the cylinder is cleaner than other one. or any signs of coolant liquid. (it maybe difficult to see the difference since you clean those pistons before you put it back together). Im not too familiar with this engine and how the hoses are routed on the cooling ports. Is there anyway you can pressure test the cooling system while the manifold is out . Lets say on intake and maybe exhaust too in this way you can see it on the port channels if there's a leak. if there are passages that you need to block to do this test. pumping up 9 to 12 psi. Ive done it on old engines and several times I was able to spot the leak on a mirror.. If its that small I use a illuminant dye. Since that head is bolted to the short block. Atleast these are all the passage that can be derived from that leak and knowing the integrity of the head is solid. Try not to forget to always install a new thermostat and gasket especially if the history of the car is unknown. These thermostats are notorious when they fail its always a surprise attack with a rapid temperature change.
My 2007 is on the left side next to the water pump, plastic housing. Should be in the same area with that later engine. I'm stoke to see the housing was plastic or black polycarbonate but it works.
I put the camera (boroscope) down each cylinder. They all look great!!! Couldn't get a picture of the scope screen. Then I did a compression test. Cyl 1 = 150 Cyl 2 = 150 Cyl 3 = 150 Cyl 4 = 150 Hahahhaha Happy guy here. I also swapped the EGR Cooler So far, So good!!!
You've got the post-op cloud of steam pegged as an anomaly, maybe some trapped coolant or water vapour. It hasn't happened again? It's gut-wrenching by the way, to do all that work and then have that sinking feeling, when something bad happens. Any tips on doing a Prius compression test btw? You've got all the plugs out? I've got a tester buried in the garage somewhere...
Does this mean the garage queen gets more testing. I'm surprised she hasn't revolted yet against being poked and prodded so frequently when she hasn't gotten a workout.
We went to a movie last night, partly as a test drive, after having the intake off once again. My wife wisely pointed out: she did not want to be the first one using the car after it's "surgery".
Yep it was just me being paranoid. The cloud happened again but it was far less. I guess you were right, just cold weather. ------------------ All I did was pull all the plugs out. Screwed the tester in spark plug hole of the cylinder Pressed start button (waited for the engine to kick on) 2 seconds Press button to turn off. Go up front (take a picture) then the next cylinder
So the codes P043E, P043F, P2401, P2402, P2419 came up. I looked under the rear driver side fender in the wheel well and sure enough its a mud hut. the breather had its water drip holes clogged, so water was slowly running down to the filter and into the Charcoal canister. Its a wet mess. So I removed the entire EVAP system behind the Gas Tank. Not to hard, just some 10mm and 12mm bolts. I cut the charcoal can open poured out all the wet charcoal and am drying it. Same with the honey comb filter. Sopping wet, yuk. I am kind of happy, I get to work on more car stuff Evaporative System Codes P043E, P043F, P2401, P2402, P2419. | PriusChat Going to dry it all out and clean it all up epoxy and re-install Looks like the previous owner liked to go mudding
Yes, Put it all back together no more check engine light. drove it around and the codes have NOT come back.
Awww So the update on this thread. The car is performing like a champion, been driving all over with a lead food in power mode 168 miles on the new Head Gasket.