Hello everybody, I designed a custom phone holder for my Prius Prime, it's made of aluminum and matte black powder-coated and mounted on the dashboard with 3M double-sided tape. Since I use the wireless charging Pad, I'm not worried about not having enough room on the phone holder to connect the charging cable. The arm that hugs one side of the phone is adjustable, that will keep the phone tight enough from falling off the phone holder. I'm making some extra phone holders in case someone is interested.
I like the holder but dislike place you put it. All cars have front and right instruments for a reason. Far left is the worst place your eyes could go in a driving situation. SM-G973F ?
Thanks for the feedback! I use the holder with the Samsung Note and iPhone RX with the semi slim cases. I been using the phone holder for less than a week so far and works great for me on the left side, but it could be placed somewhere else on the dashboard for sure.