I have to replace the head gasket on my turd gen Prius. Which brand head gasket is best? Is there any difference in manufacturers? Rock auto has 1 for $14 and another for $40. What’s the difference?
Heard a lot of good things about Victor Reinz - if my 2013 blows - that's what I'll buy 02-54025-02 Cylinder Head Gasket Set for 2010 http://www.danaaftermarket.com A couple sellers on ebay (search by part #)(~$100).
No clue, but the Toyota gasket kit part number (04111-37315 Gasket Kit) is mentioned in the attachment. See Amayama has it, seems a good price, under $200 CDN for me, all in. Had fun coloring:
Old thread, maybe something has changed: Back 1980, Fel Pro was the preferred brand in the mechanic shop, where I was employed. I wonder if that brand would work in a Prius. They do offer Engine Cylinder Head Gasket Sets