Sounds like an interesting question, but not quite understanding. Clarify? 4th Gen EGR has been improved a lot, if that's your drift.
Super easy to do with the head off. Inexpensive also. And didn't they come with the head gasket set? A preventive oil burning thing. If/when I do my head gasket, I'll be dropping the oil pan, dropping the pistons and cleaning them up. It's only a little extra work, and "if" the rings are clogging, I can unclog them and I should be good for at least 190,000 miles, cause that's what I have on it now.
That is a great Idea I only bought the Head Gasket and the Head Bolts Separate, did not buy the Whole set. The Valves were not leaking and were sealed tight so I just cleaned them and the combustion chamber with brake clean and a brass brush and paper towels, same as the piston cleaning (Brought each one to the top) I did NOT touch the cylinders.
You really "shouldn't" have to do that with the lower mileage motor. But, you shouldn't need to replace the head gasket either! At least you can do the guide seals by just removing the valve cover. Pretty easy should you decide/need to do it. So how is the engine? No leaks? Solid?
So far on 1/2/2020 (Yesterday) I drove 36 miles No Leaks, Sounds great and feels solid. I am going to run it on the freeway today and report back later tonight. Thanks
Congratulations to you and a wonderful new year. You got your car running beautiful. Looks like its a perfect time to cruise by the coast of Oregon with a promising weather. Probably a good timing to take your new baby with you.
Oops today.. Sun is up in the northwest. Were heading to the coast too. I wanna take my 2 little kitties for a cruise on my "feel like new 07 Prius".. Newly oil changed
I drove another 40 miles for a total of 76 Miles on the NEW Head Gasket. Drove a Bunch in POWER mode The Oil is Perfect and No loss of Coolant HAPPY CAR, HAPPY GUY!!!!
The Windshield guy Showed up Fresh Brand New Windshield. Not in My DIY category I guess Next is getting it Detailed. Well thanks to all for being here with me on this journey (and the past ones and future ones) Hope this Blog was not to boring. I will update this blog in a few months (today is 1/3/2020)
Congratulations to OP on his achievement. I read the whole thread almost entirely. I have one question I couldn't answer. Why did the OP opted to get a new (used) engine instead of rebuilding the original one? With his skills, I would have certainly rebuilt the original engine instead of messing with another one. Did I miss anything here?
He's all by himself, and time is crucial to his side. Sometimes you got to take a certain path. Bottom line is "He got the job done the right way in the end".
Joe Ben says (in "Sometimes a Great Notion"): “oh yeah, the mainest thing . . . is, when you fall, fall in the direction of your work..."
Ha! I know huh! When I bought the car, Engine had 208,000 Miles with a blown gasket. Found a replacement engine with 93,000 miles. So I decided to swap in the lower mileage one, instead of fixing a old engine. The problem I did not know about till after the lower mileage one was in, was that it too had a blown gasket. The place I got the engine from was not very communicative, so decided to do the head gasket job on the lower mileage, instead of waiting on the people that sold me the engine to go through warranty red tape. I still have the engine with 208,000 miles sitting in the corner on my shop, i might do a head gasket job on that on too at some point, that way I will have a spare engine, to keep or sell.
I understand the desire to put in a lower mileage engine. But once the engine is rebuilt properly, I would think it is as good as the lower mileage one. 208k engine is not that old for Prius. I have hear 400k+ ones. Someone said above that you wanted to get the job done quicker by getting another engine. I don't think this would be the real reason to be honest. But this is not to criticize you in anyway. I really admire your determination and your skills in this adventure. I love to repair things. I only replace them if repairing is not an option. If I was around you and knew you, I would have convinced you to repair the original engine As for the original engine, I guess the best would be(in my humble opinion) to rebuild and sell it in this case. You don't need a spare engine. If something happens, you will be repairing your engine quicker than removing and replacing it with a spare one.
I couldn't find it, but did you say one of the rods was bent? That might of been another thread though. Since the original engine is out, you can drop the pan, pull the pistons, check the rings and see if they are clogged. If so, you can clean them up, or replace them with the 2015 ones, and the piston should you choose. Hone out the cylinders, check for wear, which will probably be minimal. Then do the head gasket. The head was not damaged was it? It is still straight/flat? Then you could sell that one, recoup the money from the one you bought. Have you been able to contact the place you bought the used motor from?
Must have been another thread. The 208,000 was fine besides the milkshake, that I believe is a Head Gasket Fail. I still have to open it up and inspect it. Hmmm, Thinking I will drop a boro-scope down the spark plug tubes first, then a compression test, It actually started up and sounded good and drove around. I still have to disassemble it to find out if the head is flat. I am still waiting on the BOSS of B&R auto Wreckers to get back to me about the engine. Don't really care anymore. because the engine is up and running now it only costed a little more for head gasket, bolts, oil, filter and coolant. Maybe I will sell the 208 after I fix it up. If you know anyone interested 2012 Toyota Prius $700 AAA Towing 100miles $FREE Replacement Engine $1240 Rear main seal (BS40732) $16 Intake Manifold gasket (MS19723) $19 Exhaust manifold gasket (MS97146) $14 Valve cover gasket (VS50823R) $25 Head Gasket and Head bolts (26515PT) (ES72434) $99 PCV valve (29654) $8 Toyota Super Long Live Coolant (twice) $70 Toyota ATF WS Trans Fluid $40 Oil and filter (S10358) (twice) $40 RTV $8 Windshield $150 Labor (Best most fun part) $FREE Still under $2500 for a 2012 Prius
Well, for me.... (other peoples times may differ) on a Gen 3 engine swap its only about 6 hrs a head gasket job is about 10 -12 hrs (plus machine shop time and expense "If necessary") That is why I originally went with the swap (It was just lucky the replacement had less miles) But yes you are correct Hind sight is always 20-20.