I recently picked up a 3rd gen and it only came with one key. Can I pick up a used FOB off ebay and hop into techstream and program the prius to accept the used one?
I don't know anything about Techstream, but I took the keys from my recently totaled Gen 3 to the dealer with my new (to me) Gen 3 and, after about 90 minutes (despite the fact that I had an appointment), they said the old keys could not be added. I politely told them that didn't make sense and to try some more. They ended up wiping the keys from the new Gen 3 and then adding all keys (original and used) at the same time. That took another 60 minutes (did I mention I had an appointment?). I will be driving to the next town over for all my future dealership needs (which are hopefully few and far between). I have no idea whether they were being honest about the "having to wipe all in order to add a used key" but throw it out there as a data point in case you run into trouble. Good luck.
You can add a used fob without a full wipe and re-registration of all fobs, if the used fob is 're-virginized' (forgetting the car it was previously registered to). You can find eBay sellers offering virginized fobs for a bit more money than used ones. If you have already obtained a used one, some of those sellers will also let you send it to be virginized for a small fee. It's possible a local locksmith will be able to do the same.
I just did this. It was simple. I sent the key fob to an eBay seller in Houston who reset the key and returned it including a new emergency blank for $18.00 and free return shipping. Used Techstream to program to my car. Works great. I have another key fob I'm going to send him. There are other sellers doing it also, one for less, but it was further away which I thought might prolong shipping. You can search eBay for "Toyota unlock service".
Yes. I did it with Techstream and a used fob from Ebay. I think the fob was $100. As others have noted, it must be a "virginized" fob.
As Johnny Cakes alluded to, you can do it with used (slutty) key fobs you just have to do the procedure that wipes them (all but the master) before you do the programming. It's an option in techstream. I haven't done it but it seems straight forward.
Hmm ... there's a "wipe all fobs except this working master that I have right here" option in Techstream, that ordinary mortals can use. There's also a "wipe everything and start over because I have this reseeding key" option in Techstream enabled with a security professional license key available to documented locksmiths. Are you saying the first one is sufficient to work with a used fob? I didn't know that.
That's what I'm saying. Like I've said, I've never done it this way, but it's my understanding that this 're-virginizes' any non-master FOB's you use so you can go through the normal procedure. Someone try it and let us know how it goes
I do this all the time. A lot with gen2 but also gen3. requires a reseed procedure which wipes the car of all the fobs and then you add the fobs one by one back in. This is the only way to do it with techstream and used fobs. Unless you do what someone else suggested “re-virginization” lol which I wish was a real thing in real life. But what I mean to say is it just wipes the fob of its programming etc and sets it as clean. A lot of locksmiths have the type of simple equipment. It involves the fob to be “Re-Virgined” by placing it in a rfid loop/platform type device and erased with said hardware. The actual device itself is pretty cheap for just that type of wiping. But I don’t mess with that wiping crap. Usually when I have someone wanting to add a key they obviously have their original too so wiping them all doesn’t matter to them. The actual process of reseeding etc is actually for when ALL keys are lost. And a fob needs to be programmed to work. But it’s the same process to add a used fob. Hope that makes sense. don’t believe anyone else what they will tell you about a used fob. Only two ways. 1- “Re-Virgin” “Un-Slut” “Un-Whore” “Un-Cunt” ? 2- Reseed and reprogram all fobs that are available eta- oh one last thing. The process for gen3 is Alot easier as it’s a one step procedure which does the prox and transponder in one step as opposed to the gen2 which requires one step for prox and one step for transponder. So it’s double The wait time for the security time out.
1- I lean toward the first of the suggested terms, both because it's what's already used on the internet (about key fobs, I mean), and it seems the least gender-specific. Leaving some hope that (as John Laurens might not really have said) there's hope for our a∫∫ after all!