I have a 2008 Prius it the car cut off on me in the middle of the road. I have changed the inverter and inverter pump plus the fuse and both computers and it still won’t start can anyone tell what can be issue.
Had the exact thing happened on my 07 less than 100 yards from the house I following this to see what develops So to add with my issue I have the key fob function the interior lights and the headlights No MFD (that happened when the car died ) no dash lights ( that’s been interment but the car ran fine I’ve checked voltage at the start bat which is 12.7- 12-8 even probed after the relay and had the same values Replace the dc 5 amp fuse even though was fine Going to move towards the front when I get some time to tinker with it iPhone ?
This is really sad. How much time and money have you wasted already based on wild guesses ? How much more will you spend before you take it to a shop ?? Among other things, either battery could be the cause. And both of them can be tested to be sure.
Code reader won’t connect thru the date port Saw another post regarding a relay and fuses that control that circuit The OP has an 05 iPhone ?
I haven’t spent a dime Troubleshoot what’s going on I’m for sure not a parts changer so haven’t spent any money This thing takes a bit more figuring out than my FJ Cruiser DC circuits are easy for me I just have to find the time to mess with it iPhone ?
For Gen 2 owners.....When you're just rolling along and the car suddenly just dies, with the dash going dark and the MFD going dark, one of the most common causes is the inverter cooling pump suffering an electrical failure. Sometimes this failure is preceded by an acrid odor, sometimes not. This failure sometimes causes the AM2 fuse to blow, sometimes not. If it blows, it kills the car. If it doesn't, then you eventually get the RTOD when the inverter gets hot. It's the second 15 Amp fuse from the top on the driver side of the engine compartment fuse box. To get your car rolling again, the fuse must be replaced, but if you just replace the fuse, it will likely just blow again. To prevent this from happening, you can disconnect the pump from the circuit. This is done by separating the one wire quick connect located about 2 inches above and just to the passenger side of the engine compartment fuse box. After "unplugging" that connector, you can replace the fuse and carry on with your business. Just be aware you no longer have water flow through the inverter loop, so limit the amount of driving and speed until you get the pump replaced. You'll know if you drove too hard, because the RTOD will illuminate if the inverter gets too hot. Don't go crazy with it, as electronics hate heat. Don't turn a fairly simple and low cost job into a more complicated and $$$ job. If you're just rolling along and the dash goes dark, but the car continues to function, then you most likely have the dreaded "combination meter" failure. If you're just rolling along and the MFD goes dark, along with the radio going silent, you most likely just have an MFD going bad.
Good tips The cooling pump seemed to be Working fine but hadn’t checked the flow recently I’ll give that a look and report back iPhone ?
Ok here’s the latest The AM2 was blown and replaced it Prius came alive for about a minute then shut down Replaced the fuse and it popped You could smell electrical in the area of the pump So I’ll disconnect it and see what happens I’m ready to cut my losses and just dump it and look for another one that’s newer and running. Too many other projects to do that take priority iPhone ?
Dumping the car for a minor issue such as inverter pump failure would be a mistake, I believe. The OEM part costs around $100 and takes about an hour to replace. If the car is otherwise fine (you mentioned intermittent combo meter issues, but many of us continue to live with that on our Gen 2's), you will be giving up something of value and getting little in return.
I’m going to give the inverter pump replacement a chance I only have less than a grand in the whole car Will update after I disconnect it to see if it won’t pop the fuse Not in a rush to unload it or get another Just miss putting $10 a week in gas instead of $100 iPhone ?