Hey Owners! I was wondering because mine ODO meter is broken. What happens when i swap out my broken ODO meter for a used one with lower milage? Will it set itself to the current millage? Or will it stay and count on from the new ones millage?
Not positive about the Prius but I had to replace one on a 2012 Jeep and it kept the mileage that was on the replacement.
it does not fix itself. it is illegal to put in a meter with different miles from what i've read. matt at texas hybrid batteries sells meters and is authorized to update the miles. edit: sorry, i don't know anything about finland
It's probably a state-to-state thing. When I replaced a speedometer w/odometer, I just had to check the box on the registration that said that the odometer was not accurate when I sold the car.
I know it gets cold there. But the odometer doesn’t adapt to the car and requires resting to your miles. Happy holidays .
I thought that was the law in my state too. If one keeps a vehicle logbook, mark down what the old meter said when it quit, what the new meter started at, and a swag estimate of the time or distance in between. This would be for your own records, the title disclosure of inaccurate (broken / replaced) odometer doesn't require that much detail.
Sometimes those guys don’t take kindly if you ask them that. Particularly since you’d be some random guy off the street asking how they do it. Just highlighting that if this is the route taken, it might have a different result than what was intended.