I don't really need the money but want a record showing I sold some TSLA at $420/share. . . . I'll send a copy to the SEC with a note, FUNDING SECURED! Some of the recent stock transactions suggests the "SHORT squeeze." Bob Wilson
Yes, yesterday was just a tad of a bummer for the shorts. I absolutely will lose sleep tonight over my sympathy for all of them. In a couple years when I have my FUNDING SECURED moment, there will be a new Model Y in my driveway. Getting closer every paycheck.
(sigh) yea - i could have moved $200K from the 401k into the self directed IRA stocks .... but i was too stinking cowardly. oh well ....
Isn't that sort of like watching people on a roller coaster instead of riding on it? Come on...get a ticket and at least take a short ride Mike
i'm considering selling my facebook and buying tesla. not at 400 bucks though. i'm also considering model y. but other than that, i don't have any desire for either, i just don't drive much anymore.
If I had played the market (other than worrying about my 401k), and had bought TSLA at their mostly low points over the last couple of years, a future Model Y would have already been "funding secured."
yep. you could have bought a lot of stocks this year alone that would have funded a model y by now. that's why they call it betting.
That has nothing to do with making money in the stock market. I’d originally set the sale price at $410 but someone reminded me Elon had said $420. Had I not changed it, the sale would have gone through. Bob Wilson
Some Kool-Aid drinkers keep believing that jobs creation has increased under this Administration. If so, it sure doesn't show in the Bureau of Labor Statistics' employment numbers. Here is a chart of more than a decade's monthly net change in total U.S. employment (thousands, non-farm, seasonally adjusted, to Nov 2019). Since the end of the Great Housing Recession, the trend line looks very flat: The average from 1/2017 to 11/2019 is 194,000 new jobs per month. The average over the previous 6 years, 2011-2016, was 203,000 per month. So the average under this new Administration has actually fallen a hair, but given the noisy data, I'll wager that the difference is well within ordinary statistical noise. I.e. no-one can rationally claim any change.
I get to see the percentage of people using their EBT cards at work, paying for (some of) their carts of food. That percentage has never decreased, and in an unbelievably great demographic that I live in and work in, that percentage is always alarming to me. As they drive up in their $70K BMW SUV's even, while they still have them. Stunning, really, how many people in the area are on state financial assistance. Fellow employees who need to utilize their own EBT cards actually shop for food elsewhere, so not to be found out or shamed. The economy, folks, is not in good shape. Maybe part of the stock market is doing OK, but overall, you need money to play that game; also time, guts and determination. Most don't have any of that and are hoping Social Security might some day bail them out. Hint: it won't. TSLA. Dang! Hit $410. And because of... why? What next?
My hypothesis is the predicted "Short Squeeze" arrived. It was suggested by some earlier stock purchases done on the quiet along with at least one example of what appears to be a poorly executed, automated trade. Additionally, we are approaching the end of 2019 which marks a significant USA tax boundary. There has been some 'bad news' for SHORTS: Gigafactory 3 is producing Model 3 Profit in Q3 2019 Rollout of Cybertruck Model Y assembly line in progress (very quiet news!) Solar City seems to be getting some attention Utility grade power systems are getting some attention EU sales are good EU EVs are not technically good We won't really know if the "Short Squeeze" has arrived until we get stock metrics. My limited experience suggests there is a lag, at least in the 'free' sources. This could just be a minor event taking out some of the least capitalized, short speculators. It could also be 'wishful thinking' on my part. Regardless, in 11 days with the new year, we should know more (gosh there I go again predicting in the future we will know more!) Bob Wilson