Hey All - My 2012 Prius v cig lighter stopped working recently. My first thought is to replace the fuse to see if that does the trick. I'm having trouble accessing the fuse for the cig lighter and I'm wondering if anyone knows any good tricks to access and replace a fuse (well, mini fuse). Thanks in advance!
Check the main fuse box under the hood to see if there is a fuse puller tool stashed there. In the liftback there is.
The fuses are inside. The puller is under the hood but a needlenose pliers or similiar will pull them out.
https://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om-s/OM47784U/pdf/OM47784U.pdf Is the owner's manual, page 410 shows where the left side instrument panel fuse block is. Page 416 shows the fuses inside it, Fuse 1 is it, I think fuse 3 is the outlet in the cargo bay. www.amazon.com/Fuse-Set-Automotive-Replacements-Motorcycle/dp/B079J995XG would have a variety of fuses and a fuse extractor and inserter.
Oh NICE! That's super helpful. Now if only I could have smaller arms to bend to get to that first fuse (it's the toughest one to get)!
Thanks all! Super helpful stuff here. Finding the fuse puller in the fuse box was huge. I was also trying to put in the wrong size the first time (was trying to use mini fuses but I needed mini AND low profile).