I can't seem to easily find any reliable info on replacement HID bulbs. I have a 2014 Two with factory HID. We just hit 100k miles and these lights are a joke, when driving at night we both end up sooner or later asking the other "Are you sure the headlights are on/working?" Could anyone tell me what bulb size I'm looking for? Also if there's a preferred brand that'd be great too. I can't seem to get any details. I'm needing to get some purchased ASAP for a six hour night drive next Wednesday.
I'm not really familiar with the 2014, but aren't your choices halogen or LED? Did they offer HID in 2014?
In the amount of time I've spent searching online, I could have changed 100 headlights. In frustration I walked outside in the rain, popped the hood, stuck my head in as far as I could and read "H11 LL 55W 12V". I was told when I purchased it it was HID, I was taught that the glass lens/"eye" type headlight always means HID. Yet nope I was just misinformed it seems. Sigh. Time to go buy an affordable H11 headlight instead of an expensive HID. How disappointing.
why don't you upgrade to hid (retrofitsource.com), it doesn't cost a fortune, is pretty much plug 'n' play & makes quite a lot of a difference /
I'd rather not risk altering the beam/blinding oncoming drivers. Along with I needed something I could get in a couple days at most, so I stopped by the auto parts store and got two H11 and two 9005 Sylvania Silverstar Ultra headlights to replace both low and high beams. When they burn out in a year (due to how bright they are I know from previous experience they don't live long) I'll look into LED retrofit if anyone makes a proper kit.
With all the searching done, you should have stumbled upon headlight projectors, which restricts light projection and will not alter height projection.
But the projectors in my car, despite my original belief, are not meant for HID use. So if I wanted to use HIDs I'd have to install different projectors and as I said I needed something I could just get off the shelf before Thanksgiving. Thus I'm happy with Sylvania Silverstar Ultra, they're great for what they are and I got them down the road from my house. All the searching I did was for stock HID bulb size for a 2014 Prius, which was really difficult since they don't have HID lights. Lol