Ordered set of 4 center hubcaps from eBay, shipped from Japan for $73. Part number 42603-52170. Perfect fit, impossible to remove unless taking the wheel out and pop from the other end. No more rusting inside. center hubcap installed (42603-52170) by citiprius posted Apr 1, 2019 at 4:42 PM center hubcap installed (42603-52170) by citiprius posted Apr 1, 2019 at 4:42 PM
yep took my caps off, yek, is there an o-ring seal on these? Latest price. $58 here: https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwi8oNSR0fTlAhUPboYKHXQzCuQYABA0GgJ2dQ&sig=AOD64_14-y_ByrxDL7XKplosNiemwW_1UQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwi2gdCR0fTlAhVExVkKHXvYBscQ2CkI3AM&adurl=
Just 4 little jaws as far as I know. There's a springy steel ring in behind them, compressed a little to keep a constant outwards push. The little jaws should click into groove on inside of bore, if the thing is dimensioned right. If they don't click into the groove, make sure the caps are not riding high somehow, that was an issue with the aftermarket 3rd gen caps I got. Was able to remedy with a little patient work with a dremel. Still, those look to be the real McCoy, should be good.
$45 from japan, but postage? 4 lightweight plastic pcs to Us? https://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/nissinshokai/42603-52170.html can't see how to get it shipped to US though lol. the page auto translates in Chrome.
Try Amayama. Site's all in English. That part for me is $16.75 (CDN) apiece. Small items like that, usually about $10 (CDN) extra for a small mail packet. Takes a week or two.