my 2012 Prius V model five has the LED projector headlights (although I think the highbeams might be halogen) and the lens cover is getting cloudy. I have tried polishing the outside, and have had good results in the past with my other Prius, but it seems my problem is on the inside of the lens. Thinking perhaps the weatherseal around the lens has failed I started shopping for a replacement. Are these only available from the Dealer? Good grief they are expensive! Seems most of the aftermarket suppliers have the halogen replacement lens assemblies, but not the dual projector LED style. Anyone replaced these with non OEM parts?
20161217_184203 by RunningFox posted Nov 18, 2019 at 7:00 PM Our gen 2 had haze inside. You can take the lens off in a few ways (heat gun or oven..but thats another reply if you want more info) and polish and buff the inside. I ended up doing it when i replaced our oem hid. If theres moisture, check to make sure your lamps vent ports are all open with breather vent or not blocked by spiders or mud wasps or the like. Beyond that, you can buy the butyl rubber sealant and reseal the lamps if youre DIY capable.
I'm willing to try taking the stock light assembly apart and polishing the inside of the lens. Pretty much expecting that stuff could go wrong, old parts always seem to surprise me with tabs that break, my general clumsiness, etc. Would be nice to know how expensive my options are if I end up having to buy a new unit though. With all the model 5 cars out there, figured gotta be some owners that have fuzzy headlamp lenses by now?
These I think: 2012 Prius v (with LED) LED Headlamp Assembly (RIGHT) - 81145-47310 LED Headlamp Assembly (LEFT) - 81185-47310
Thank you. Those part numbers do look correct for factory headlamp assemblies, but might be for the regular Prius, not the V model. Yes, very expensive! I would try to exhaust all other options before dropping that much coin on the lights. Still, at least when/if I mess up, I know they are available!
Here is a link for the Prius V model 5, such as mine I believe: 2012-2014 Toyota Prius V Headlamp Assembly 81145-47310 | Toyota OEM Direct 2012-2014 Toyota Prius V Headlamp Assembly 81185-47310 | Toyota OEM Direct The right and left units.
Such a note: in searching the Ebay listings for a used Prius V model 5 headlamp, they seem to be in the $200+ range, but in addition to questionable condition, they all seem to have broken tabs or parts. I assume from the removal out of the donor cars. So very questionable purchase for me.
I gave you a bum steer. I was looking up my 2010's, forgot what I was doing. I've edited the info in my first post. Info from here: Toyota Online Parts | Genuine Toyota parts | Toyota Parts Online product search | Toyota Parts