Not sure, now that I think about it, if you can really call it beer, but... Husband and I needed a significant amount of help earlier this year on our "farm" and his brother (who is 20 years older than us -- long story) showed up and really took care of a lot of chores that were beyond our abilities. It helps that brother-in-law is a retired "tree guy" and is a good hand with chainsaws, clearing saws and carpentry. Why he does not know one end of an automotive engine from another still escapes me, but.... So, I was thinking for Thanksgiving of getting him three Orvis flannel shirts, he essentially lives in flannel summer or winter but in the Northwest rain forest, flannel is pretty much the go-to garment.'s-big-bear-heavy-weight-flannel.product.100483644.html I was also thinking a few containers of beer. For the foreseeable future I have given up all alcohol for a number of different reasons, but that does not mean I don't know my beer. But B-I-L is a strict "Keystone Light" drinker. To me, although I have never tried it, I assume you might as well drink tap water. So, I wanted to get him some Anchor Steam, Mazama or even Pike's Kilt Lifter Pike Kilt Lifter scotch ale - Pike Brewing Company But Kevin (my husband, his brother), says NO! Brother Ken likes Keystone. He does not like others -- although he said if I really wanted to go fancy, maybe Bud Light would be O.K. What does the gallery think? Guys are so simple, mostly, but, every once in awhile.... kris
A lot of the craft beer styles you see out there are… not well received by those who are somehow nourished by the big factory brands. Given what you’ve shared, I might try Full Sail session pilsener. The taste won’t be threatening and I understand it’s reasonably local to you. Or maybe just double down on the threads. Duluth Trading would probably work nicely there as well. Good luck!
You usually can't touch Orvis or Duluth for less than $90 a shirt, so the Costco price is a deal. I bought one for my husband on Thursday and it is a NICE shirt. Equal shirts would easily be above $50 most places. Supposedly Costco is going to mark it down another $4 for Christmas, but not going to take a chance on missing out for $4.
I was able to convert one of my friends back home to Yuengling from Coors Light. It only took 15 years. But some are easier to convert than others. Good luck with your conversion .
+1 I admit that I am not much of a "beer" drinker myself, but so far I have not found any craft beer or ale or whatever the name used to agree with my palate. I much prefer cheaper mass-produced well known North American Lager in 6 packs.
Yuengling Lager is my go-to with Buffalo Wings. My better stuff will be Perpetual IPA, Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout, and one of a few high ABV Porters I like to sip from time to time.
Now that I’m on the west coast, my go to is the local brewers lager: Beers Their chocolate hazelnut porter is very good as well: Support local.
If you were still drinking I'd suggest that you taste test every Oregon beer. Wait a minute, that would take a decade or so. Seriously, with so may great breweries in Oregon, get a local brew. First of all, get a lager. Lagers tend ot be clear, light colored and mild tasting. Pilsners are a kind of lager. The major American mass market beers are all lagers so it wouldn't be a huge change for your bro in law. If you can find it where you are, 10 barrel brewing's "Pub Beer" , from Bend, could be worth a try.
Oh, come now. The one and only original West Coast beer, that all the steampunk operators and axe men drink is, of course, "Lucky Logger"... and
Hey, for all of the work he did for you two, get him what he likes - Keystone Light. You want him come back if there’s any more work to do, right?
Agree. Give him what HE wants, not what YOU want him to have. Men and women are no different as this applies.
Sorta like you cannot get a craft drinker to drink keystone, you cannot get a keystone drinker to drink craft not many bi drinkers out there
Concur. Some people drink regular old $3.99 a pound coffee from a drip machine, and others wouldn't touch the stuff unless it were cleverly disguised with ingredients normally found in an ice cream store and served in a red 'holiday' cup by an indifferent poly-sci grad expecting a 20% tip. Me? I wouldn't try to "improve" things by convincing a 'beer' drinker who is satisfied with $10 a case stuff that they need to kick over 4x that much for something that's as alien to them as a Triple venti upside down caramel macchiato, nonfat, ez whip, kids temp is to somebody with a drip machine. Some guys are kinda non-complicated. I'd put that down in the 'feature' column for this application. @Costco: Pro tip: You don't hafta be a member to buy online @ the COSTCO.'s-big-bear-heavy-weight-flannel.product.100483644.html I have family who buy Orvis. I'm more of a Dickies kinda guy myself (>2/3 the quality, 1/3 the price) but Orvis builds good stuff. I don't know a SINGLE person that I would trust with outdoor equipment who admits to wearing something from the Duluth Trading Company. TIFWIW
O.K. Going with the flow and getting "Bud Light." A minor step from Keystone, but one husband says is acceptable. I have ordered online from Costco for a number of years. Most things there is a few percent surcharge if you are not a member -- a very few things not. Also, sometimes, online is a few bucks more than at store. But shipping is "free" UPS Select 3-day, which makes up for any surcharge and price uptick,. I actually bought my first Costco membership this spring, as I was buying a new car and thought I would give the Costco Auto buying program a try since I was in pretty sorry shape and did not think I could handle haggling with the dealership. But, the program while if you are absolutely terrified of car buying it may be fine, for me, even in my weak state, I managed to get a MUCH better price on my own vs the Costco price. Of course, all things are different, Maybe the dealership felt sorry for me in my walker/blackeyes and squeals of pain with most movements and beat the Costco price by a few thousand just to get me out of the showroom. I have not decided if I will renew membership, but probably not -- I wonder if you decline to renew if they try to entice you with offers of free roasted chickens,. LOL
I guess I'm one of those bi drinkers as I can enjoy either a stone or a hop-splosion IPA. A 30 of stones used to be one of my go-to packs (if I couldn't find or was not in the mood for PBR or Stroh's). Nowadays, I don't drink as much, so when I do I generally prefer something with some flavor. However, as others have posted, if he likes stones and you want him to help out in the future, just get him a 15 or 30 pack of stones.