Screen sometimes works normally, sometimes shows up like this. Been happening more frequently. (Different colors in the photos from playing with the brightness and contrast a little) Is this something that can be fixed or do I need a new MFD?
Looks like the contacts on the digitizer cable have a moisture and/or corrosion problem. You might have to send it in to a repair service or exchange service.
I had a not dissimilar issue with my Prius, although it was the JBL unit. Dealer will not replace just the screen, rather replaces whole new unit. At least for the JBL, it was about $2,000. I found a business in California (I think) that will replace just the screen for a couple hundred, but you obviously have to be able to remove the unit (or have the dealer do that) and send it to them. I actually never followed through with the repair because my Prius got rear-ended at a red light and totaled, so I bought a whole new Prius. The bright side was that it got totaled before I fixed the screen!
I’m not sure, but i think it started when I came back from a vacation and the car was sitting in a garage for 3 weeks. It normally happens when it starts up, then goes away after I drive a bit.. lately it’s been staying longer. Also seems to happen in the daytime while it’s hot more often (I live in s fla and it’s still 85+ everyday) Figured I’d add some more info. Does that still sound like a moisture/corrosion issue?
Also noticed it’s much worse on Daymode. Night mode seems to look fairly decent & doesn’t have any lines going through it
Sure sounds like moisture related problem. The high humidity in FL. probably isn’t helping matters any. When you use the A/C, it dehumidifies the air in the car. This might explain the improvement in the screen resolution after you’ve driven it for a while.
Perhaps a bad ground? If you can remove the display system, check and clean all the connections. Good luck