I've read conflicting information whether OCCs are legal in California. I removed the hoses and catch can prior to my SMOG check a few months ago just to be safe, but the mechanic didn't even open the hood (LOL not complaining). Just scanned with his OBDII scanner and passed me. Don't they usually inspect the engine bay for modifications?
As you found out, not everyone does. Some who own Prii have even installed an OCC themselves. Just depends where the only sure thing is an OBDII scan .
Probably because the mechanic wouldnt expect anyone to modify a Prius, even if it is preventative LOL I love conversations with people about modding it lol the reactions crack me up.
This makes me question if they are legal in Massachusetts since I just bought the parts to install an Oil Catch Can and plan on installing it once its arrives...
Install it and buy a new connector for the PCV and intake for $14. Then you get the benefit and have the conversion back ready to roll. That’s what I did and never looked back.
Yes, they usually do. But lets keep this a secret between us Prius owners. The smog check places don't expect us Prius owners to have any "under the hood modifications". They just don't. We, in their minds, are boring over 50 years of age drivers. Even if you are younger and pull up to a smog place, they assume you're getting your grandparents car smogged for them because they don't drive that much anymore. But low and behold if they ever pop the hood and see all the creative things we have done! Lets just keep it on the down low.................LoL
I’ve tried doing a simple Google search on whether or not oil catch cans are illegal in Massachusetts and I couldn’t find anything.
Label on the box for mine: Still, I have it mounted below the intake manifold. And, we don't have inspections, lol.
EVERY car that is legally allowed to drive on the roads in America, is a "pollution controlled vehicle"! So that means this air-oil separator is not legal in America.
They're probably covering their butt if any other states change their policy. If they wrote California only and that another state goes "green", then that would be false advertising.
It can be mounted on low side of the motor and not be seen during the smog inspection. It’s also better to have it lower then higher to catch oil.