I am looking to do a spark plug change on my 2013 Prius and 2008 Prius (I know, this is gen 3 forum... my bad!), but unfortunately, after coming across multiple ones on Amazon, I am seeing some reviews mention of fake spark plugs ripping off the original Denso SC16HR11 (which I believe is the OEM ones for both the 2013 and 2008 Prius). Does anyone know which seller or where to find genuine OEM spark plugs (preferably on Amazon), rather than the stealership (who quoted me $84 for 4 freaking spark plugs!)? For reference, here are some of the Amazon spark plugs I found that contain reviews that point out possible "knockoffs" this and this.
try some of the online toyota dealers for pricing. the aftermarket has been flooded with chinese clones. even the suppliers don't know they're fake.
You can order Denso through autozone if you wanted to go local. Most likely a special order though. -Spiral
As @bisco also suggests, if you’re concerned about counterfeit parts, the safest course would be to buy online or in person from an authorized Toyota dealer, so the supply chain would run only from Denso, to the Toyota parts distribution center, to the dealer, to you. I couldn’t recommend buying from Amazon or a third-party seller whose inventory, even if genuine, might have been commingled in the fulfillment center with counterfeits from another source. Parts sold on Amazon.com by a Toyota dealer and shipped directly from the dealer to you, however, are more likely to be genuine. The current Toyota (Denso) part numbers are 90080-91184 (SK16R11) for the 2008 and 90919-01275 (SC16HR11) for the 2013.
Pretty good place to buy them here: Search Results | Conicelli Toyota of Conshohock moto g(7) power ?
I’ve ordered from Conicelli before and they’re great to deal with. Spark plugs and high speed camera memory cards are two things I will never buy from Amazon or eBay. Far too much risk of counterfeit goods.
Phone around, try several dealerships (they'll likely all be close though) and a few automotive retailers. The latter will probably have better prices, by maybe 30%. Myself, I buy plugs from a small local automotive place. They're very competent, have good prices, and must have good sources, never had a problem. Still, being in Canada, I wouldn't blink an eye at spending over $100 for four long-life plugs. Things are often more expensive up here, and of course the Canadian $'s maybe 75% versus the US. Think too: this is a once-every 12 years or 120K miles event?
My brother had a bad batch of Denso plugs. I replaced them with NGK 4912 plugs from Rock Auto and they worked just fine. On an alternate note, NGK are also selling Ruthenium plugs as an upgrade from Iridium plugs.
I have called around the local dealershps and unfortunately, the price doesn't vary... however it looks like RockAuto seems to be a reliable source? It is definitely a lot cheaper (for instance, ~$29 for the SK16R11 Denso Spark Plugs). I guess RockAuto is my new source for parts?
Just went through the exact same thing including the NGK's from Rock Auto. Now I'm even questioning that decision. How trusted is Rock Auto? I have no idea how they work, as far as I know it could be an amazon type situation. I'd personally stick to the auto-parts store or dealer on this one.
Oh okay... well it looks like AutoZone does carry the Denso 3324 (SK16R11) for $8.50 a pop, might as well just get it there I suppose?
So have I. I'm not knocking Rock Auto I'm just saying I don't know how they work. Do they get from the source or do they go with the cheapest option? I'm honestly curious. Spark plugs are inexpensive, important, and apparently they are commonly counterfeit. You also won't know they are bad for 20,000 miles or so. I'm just saying in the future I'll go to the store for plugs just for the piece of mind.
it is really a supply chain issue. how do they oversee the process, to make sure unwanted black market parts don't infiltrate at some point.
I found this site Discount Performance and OEM Auto Parts, 100% In Stock | Autoplicity and the Denso spark plugs are shipped from the Denso factory. But same plugs are available locally at AutoZone near me.
Rock Auto sells spark plugs? I couldn't find spark plugs anywhere on their site. Edit: nvm found them by checking "Part Catalog" for the specific vehicle. Damn they're cheaper than what we got from autozone; if only I found them!