I currently have $8,000 saved up for a Prius, I want something that will last me a long time, and a lot of people over at the /r/whatcarshouldIbuy reddit say that you should only buy 2012 and newer? What should I do guys, I would like to buy one, if I have to, I'll finance it, as much as people say I shouldn't, but I need a set of wheels! I'm 22 and still using my parents car :/ What would you all recommend for year, and should I do craigslist or a dealership or carmax?
Carmax has a great business plan, sell used cars at new car prices, look elsewhere. Dealerships are also a high price option, if you are shopping for a late model car and want a warranty that is a possible option, but expensive. Craigs list is good if you know what you are doing and if you plan to have a mechanic check out the car before you buy. One caveat with your budget I don't think a Prius is you. unless you have a few thousand set aside for expensive repairs. I'd go with an older Camry or Corolla, or perhaps something non hybrid from Honda. Repairs on those vehicles should be cheaper.
Where I live which is in North Hollywood here in Los Angeles, California, the local Toyota dealership was having a blow out sale of priuses from 2012 to 2015. I am ended up get a 2014 with 65k for about $10,000 in good condition. It has the Bluetooth with the basic things that you need. I agree with the others, Carmax is not good. Check your local dealership to see if they are having a sale because you might find a great car at a great price.
Yea I always pass by and see signs that say “big sale” and has the prices of the cars written on the windshield.