Looks staged. They beat on the backhoe driver but don't kick his a** while destroying their car? And that car folded like a cheap camera...
Indeed, methinks staged. That’s a Mazda 323 Lantis (my old Mazda MX-3 was based on the same running gear) and the last of them was made in 1998. I suspect the car was about to be scrapped or was relatively worthless, and these guys decided to create a viral video. The way the dudes physically react to their Mazda being pulverised seems extremely insincere. And realistically, digger dude would be facing jail time. Of course, I could be wrong. I haven’t listened to the video - just watched the feed on the forum. Was this shot in Russia? Yeah, mildly amusing nonetheless. iPad ? Pro
Might have been better in black & white with a girl tied to the train tracks; piano soundtrack, maybe some hand-painted intertitles?
Aw shucks! Now I’ll have that terribly cliched condescending piano soundtrack music plink-a-plonking through my head for the next few hours..... iPhone 6s +