my mechanic did the cylinders check where he inserts this gauge and gives him the power torque of the engine,,, Cylinder 1 2 3 were fine but 4 was little under the good zone... it initially had a misfire and it is fixed now but knowing that one of my cylinders is missing little torque, will this cause my engine to go bad in the long or short run ? i am trying to make a decision now whether to sell or keep it ...given that everything else now works fine and i have spent about 2,000 dollars fixing it this month, water pump, cluster rebuild, engine pump and so on....what is your opinion or advice ? i have 207,000 miles on it...
Hard to say, really. Your car is already through much of its economic service life, but that cuts BOTH ways. LA Market. 06. Hmmmm. I'd keep it for a while, although sight unseen I could defend either flag in this debate. It would depend on the street value versus how much you were willing to dump into another car (and it's problems!) The 06 is a VERY reliable car, so in the LA market and for somebody who is willing to fork out $2k to keep a 13 year old car on the road? I'd let the car pay you back for the money that you just put into it. If you get a year out of it you're better off than if you got rooked into making car payments again.