my Prius was running then stopped all of the sudden ... dashboard is completely off now when I try to turn in on .. the windows don’t work but the light comes on when I open the door .. it isn’t the battery nor the starter ... when I hit the brakes and the power button, it makes an empty noise and the power button doesn’t come on ... anyone might know what’s causing it ?
Trust me, we can help you, but opening multiple threads for the same question makes it harder. Providing feedback to questions we ask or information we provide would also make it easier. The vast majority of times, when someone experiences the symptoms you describe, it is due to the inverter cooling water pump going bad and blowing the AM2 fuse. Are you confident that fuse is good? When you open the door and sit in the driver seat, is the door ajar light lit while the driver door is open? The key slot on the right side of the steering wheel has a green LED on each side. Are they lit? Is the Power button LED lit? If it is, what color?
I have fixed it ,. I had a short in the dashboard Also my pump inverter got burnt from the result of the short
So you realize that when the inverter cooling pump fails electrically, it blows the AM2 fuse, because that's the fuse that supplies power to it? So I would imagine post #3 isn't quit true?