I'd grown increasingly bothered by his advocacy of a sponsor combined with more and more backhanded comments about Tesla. Then today: When he suggested Elon should praise the same company responsible for the diesel cheat, well my patience was exhausted. But I'd already noticed he was becoming all commentary and lacked engineering facts and data. Even played back at 2x speed, his commentary had become a waste of time (not to mention an annoying, whining voice fixed by playing faster.) If you' all can find any useful content, let me know and I'll take another peek. But for now, his is a waste of time. Bob Wilson
I feel your pain. I’ve had a Sub to his channel for over a year. I’ve grown tired of the whiny bashing and click bate stupid smirks and looks on his title page. I do somewhat enjoy the weekly interview shows he does with Tom Melogony and the guy from my Tesla Adventure. The Interview with Sandy Munro was Okay too. But daily Filler story commentaries are tiresome.