I Will Recommend AMSOil Signature Series 10W30.Every 3-4 K Miles. It Will Help.MotorKote is Another Help if you need more.Have Fun GL.!!
Honestly, quite a few of us spent a lot of time trying to solve our oil consumption problem...and eventually gave up and are just living with it. Of course, if you go this route, make sure to check your oil every time you get gas...at a minimum!
Every time you get gas? I saw someone said put a reminder on phone for once a month? Not sure who to believe
Every fillup was the advice from my driver training class, and that was a pretty long time ago. It still works, and most gas stations still provide a nice lighted area and wipes for the dipstick and something to do while you're waiting for the tank to fill. I did go through a period where I slipped out of that habit ... to the detriment of a Mazda I had that I liked.
"high mileage" oils may have more seal softener in their mix. It's dubious if they can have measurable results. I'll bet your Prius is a candidate for "Piston Soak". It's a multi-day / week long process of taking out the spark plugs, positioning the pistons mid-stroke and pouring in a speciality cleaning solution that slowly seeps through the clogged up oil control rings (and all the rings and grooves) and softens and dissolves the carbon build up. After all the solution has seeped into the oil pan (the longer, the better), change the oil and get ready for a smoking good time while all that softened crud gets burned off. Go out and flog it at some point. I'd change the oil again shortly after it you can see the oil consumption has improved. Try to find a local shop that may offer this service, or DIY. I have bank courier friends that swear by this service! Their Prii are in the 500k - 700k mile range! Look it up !
The sign on Michigan gas pumps says that the person pumping must "remain in full view of the nozzle"; but since the nozzle has no means of viewing anyone, I rather think they mean that the person pumping is to "keep the nozzle in full view". Either way, it's not possible to comply with this law while one's head is under the hood checking the oil level.
I get gas about once a month, so it's a wash for me. Oh ferchrisakes, you don't have to multi-task this, lol. You fill up, then you check the oil? No self-serve pump can be locked on as far as I know. And even if they could there's no way I'd go there. (I'm pretty sure you were jesting, anyway. It's the coffee kicking in... )
I was responding to ChapmanF's suggestion that checking the oil is "something to do while you're waiting for the tank to fill", which I did not think he meant as a joke.
I grew up in Michigan, and I routinely, flagrantly check my oil while the locked-on self-service nozzle has an imperfect view of me. Even when back in Michigan. Send the authorities after me, I guess. Is pulling, wiping, and glancing at a dipstick such an absorbing, undivided-attention-demanding task that you think you'd likely miss a nozzle-shutoff failure two meters away?
I remember one epic failure, here in Coquitlam (home of full-serve only), maybe 25 years ago. Walking across the street from the station you could see the gas just a-gushin', still in the fill tube, a little Niagara down the side of the car. This was 4 lanes away, and I thought surely they'll catch on fast... A few minutes later, walking back the other direction: it's STILL gushing. As I was watching somebody came out of the booth, and did the most comical double-take, started running for it.
The pumps I use I almost have to hold the handle. They shut off too easily. It pumps 5 gallons fairly fast. I usually check my oil every other fill up. Sometimes 3rd time. Depends on how I drive. I used 3/4 of a quart over 10,000 miles. I change the oil a few hours ago and 3 3/4qts drained. It was about a third of the was up from the low mark. I did do a lot of 70+mph driving the last 4000 miles and I use more oil than at 65mph.
The pumps I use I almost have to hold the handle. They shut off too easily. It pumps 5 gallons fairly fast. I usually check my oil every other fill up. Sometimes 3rd time. Depends on how I drive. I used 3/4 of a quart over 10,000 miles. I change the oil a few hours ago and 3 3/4qts drained. It was about a third of the was up from the low mark. I did do a lot of 70+mph driving the last 4000 miles and I use more oil than at 65mph.
Ever since getting my first Prius, I've learned to only lock the nozzle handle at the first (slowest) notch. Anything above that, the flow rate seems to be too fast for the Prius ORVR setup, and it'll trip off too early. Considering I try to keep the tank above ½ and that's a max of about five gallons to fill, it's not as if the slow fill rate is going to waste a lot of my time. It's usually barely enough time to go glance at the dipstick.
I check the oil at home, in the garage. Pull the dip sitck, and wait a good five minutes before reinserting, for an easier read.
Any tutorials anywhere on how to do this as far as 'positioning the pistons'...etc? Also, what product do they use for the soak?