I bought myself some aftermarket black wheel covers but was not smart enough to check that my 2011 Prius wheels are not like the standard steel wheels and the aftermarket wheel covers did not fit. Shame on me for not taking an OEM one off and checking. So I ordered an aftermarket set that are exact duplicates of the OEM ones, but I dont want them to be the same as every other Prius out there. I want to paint them black, one person I know says that I cant make my Prius any cooler by doing that. I just want it to be a little different. So I am asking Gen 3 Prius Owners there opinion and or what other people have done. My car color is Blizzard Pearl. I am looking forward to the responses, thank you.
Congrats. In my option, just get rid of the wheel covers all together... The 15's that you have under the covers are a standard for the 3rd gen which looks better than the generic steel wheels most cars have. Or, upgrade to 17's which the prius also has an OEM option for. They dont look too bad either and you wont affect your MPG's as much.
If I dont like the look of my newly painted black ones I might just pull them off and do as you suggested James. I'd love to get a totally new set of wheels but that's just too much $$$ for my budget. Thanks for the response
Yeah, New wheels do get pricey. There are other mods you can do tho, that are less expensive. Sway bars, lowering springs. There is a ton of things you can do to make it look less like all the other Prius on the road lol
Silver rims, the way to go. Technical info: the Prius silver rims are paint code Classic Silver Metallic (1F7). Except for Persona rims.
I was considering silver, but I thought that was to close to the OEM color. If the black doesn't look good to me silver may be next. Is there any aftermarket wheel covers that fit a standard Prius 15' wheel?
I got my wheel covers Sunday, and painted them on Monday, the can says to have them fully cure for seven days. The guy at Dupli- Color said it would be the strongest after a full cure, now I have time to look for colored lug nuts that fit, maybe I will have to paint OEM style aftermarket lugs like I did with the wheel covers.
Last night I checked on how they were curing and they look pretty good. I found some OEM style lug nuts in black and hopefully they will fit correctly. If the weather cooperates I should have pictures by Monday. I will post them here and reply to the What did you do to your Prius thread as well because I also replaced my rear badge with a piece of white metal
So the day really got away from me so I finished the project after dark I took pictures of the black wheel covers with the OEM lug nuts, and than the black I replaced them with. You still see some wheel underneath but I think they look really good. Enjoy the pictures.