When I bought my 2015 Prius Two new from the dealer the iTrax wasn't an option to remove. I was younger and didn't know any better to fight to get it taken off. Now 4 years later I killed my aux (12v) battery probably by keeping a dashcam hardwired 24/7 and going on some long trips (1 week and later 1 month and just now got back from another 1 week away) where the car sat unused. Before I could charge / jump it and as long as I drove it every day it would start in the morning, but this time it didn't last overnight. When replacing the 12v last night I found the iTrax module that is hard wired to the battery. It was loose behind / under the battery and also a bit warm to hold. The car was on maybe 10 minutes after charging / jumping the old battery and moving it into the garage. Anyone else come across one of these when replacing their battery? Was it installed any different?
A pair of side cutters (even dull ones) would fix that problem right quick... OTOH: If you really, really MUST keep it, bring that black wire into the cabin and put a switch on it...
It is a music thingy. But I'll bet that this is the tracking module. Works off gps. If the car is ever stolen. You can tell it's aftermarket. Didn't come that way from the factory.
Sorry should have mentioned that iTrax was the theft recovery thing. I know its a dealer thing and not from the factory, they had it as a separate add-on and wouldn't let me remove it when buying the car. Was asking if anyone else had seen one or got it as an option (forced or not) from the dealer and if you ever came across the module and how it was installed. I doubt the GPS is very effective down there under the battery.
I'm admiring the light-gauge wires, no fuse anywhere, attached directly across the battery terminals, draped over edges of sheet metal.
Does this rely on GPS? If it's something the dealer installed to be able to locate the vehicle if the payments aren't kept up, maybe. But the Lo-Jack device we had installed in a car more than a decade ago -- installed under the rear seat and could be triggered by law enforcement with suitably equipped vehicles -- did not use GPS.
I don't think its a dealer repo / tracking device as it was sold to me as a LoJack alternative and I should have a brochure and card at home with the info on how to call and activate it if the car is ever stolen. Their website says it does use GPS + Cellular. I can't share a link yet due to my account being new but Google "goitrax" and under "Why iTrax" on their website: Good observations, I did not think about any of those things. I will probably put a inline fuse (but what rating?) and double sided tape it somewhere on the inside of the trunk space behind the carpeting.
Well, if it was warm I'd be suspicious that it's malfunctioning Thanks for setting such a good example for all the people who refuse to look at their owner's manual... I'm sure they feel better seeing your post. And to be honest, I was NOT familiar with iTrax, but I googled it and found out in 8 seconds and I"m not gonna tell what I found out.