Yeah here's a specific news report, with today's date. Apparently it's a thing: Win10 activation server down; your Pro license is still good, despite the warnings | Computerworld
I have a relatively ancient AMD laptop, which had a serious issue with a Windows 10 update a while back, where it kept trying to install and would upon restart cause a BSOD, and then would revert back to a state prior update, and continue with that cycle. I asked on a tech support forum and the conclusion was the computer was just too old. I figured the hardware had an incompatible driver install and it was causing the crash. I should try it again and see, if that would help?
In my case, after the update, the hard disk is gone, as far as the operating system is concerned. I'm not sure if the boot sector is getting corrupted, or if it's something else. I have to boot up from a DVD and troubleshoot from there. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Whatever you guys/gals do, when there’s a major (“Cumulative”) update be sure you disable the Sleep function in the Power menu! I also found keeping the old laptop cool with an ice pack underneath or opening a window in cold weather keeps it from overheating....
No thank you! As much as I despise Apple for shanking people on their exorbitantly expensive, slave-labor-built hardware and their practice of offshoring, they at least maintain their OS......kinda.... Microsoft ended mainstream support for Windows 7 on January 13, 2015, and extended support ends January 14, 2020. #walkaway 6 Best Linux Distributions for Beginners in 2018 | It's FOSS
Not with the Home version.... Mendel, when I was considering upgrading to Home vs Pro I realized I wouldn’t be using any of the upgraded Pro features, so I just stuck to the Home version. I’m shocked the higher version in this case is the one with the problem.
I'll readily admit I haven't a clue what the Pro version offers over the Home version, lol. I think when I was buying our systems the cost difference was minor, and it was a just-in-case thing. Yeah from what I've read, MS is aware of it, working "tirelessly" to fix.
Went into Settings>Update And Security>Activation>Troubleshoot, and it's all sorted now. Another article, good site: Microsoft Confirms It Accidentally Deactivated Some Windows 10 PCs
I am a Microsoft fan but it irks me that there is continuous activation. Most of my installs that aren't on sensitive parts of my network are cracked. I own a key for the version installed, but I also install an activation crack so that MS can't decide in the future to kill it. How many companies have been around for 100 years? Not many. But if I buy software I want it to be mine forever. Same reason I am stuck on Adobe products from a few years ago and even Office 2016. I refuse to enable "subscription" style software. And I should point out I have hundreds of copies of Windows. Everything from XP through Win10 including the server editions. Running on physical machines and virtual machines. Most of my VM hosts are actually Win Server 2016 DataCentre with VMWare Workstation running ontop which run Windows Server 2016 DS copies and may themselves have a VM of Win10/Win7/XP running inside of them. I do love my M$, but like any company they have flaws.
Opposite advice today, at least so far: DO update Win10 NOW: Microsoft warns Windows 10 users to update immediately Win10 only, not older OS's. Home version users should have auto-update by default, or by Microsoft requirement (check up on it if you have it 'Paused' for a long period), but other versions may not.
I bought my second ever Apple product yesterday.......a discontinued iwatch-thingy 3....which is actually a two-fer for people who like to laugh at blowhards like me that think that they know more than they really do. I've long been a critic of Apple products and I've also thought that the idea of "smart' people wearing a smart watch when they have to carry their smart phone is kinda........dumb. I'll probably post about all of later and give Apple fans a chance to snicker at me because my FIRST ever Apple product was (is) an iPad - and, being Apple, they kinda want you to have an i-Phone if you're gonna use an iWatch. ^&%$#$ Apple! WINDOWS 10? I'm simply not that kinda dumb. NOT when I don't have to be! My beloved company recently bought me a brand spanking new HP Elitebook something or other that's saddled with an Enterprise level version of I HAVE to use it, but a significant portion of my work week is consumed by me waiting for the mandatory updates and restarts that punctuate my work-computer time. AND...that's not the WORST part. The only reason that I had to "upgrade" is that Microsoft is ending support for W7 at the end of the year....and EVERYTHING I DO on the company computer can be done faster and more easily on a Chromebook since I only use this PC for posting in PC.....answering email, filling out time sheets, and taking mandatory training. Just about in that order. When I travel from office to office I carry two computers in the cargo bay of Goofy. One is a 15 year old personal Dell that I have set up to dual-boot with Lunux (Zorin) and XP, and the other one is a 10-year old Panasonic Toughbook that simply runs XP - sans internet. All of our network equipment is air-gapped and none of our technicians are running for President, so there's no security threat. Here's the thing..... WHY would someone do all of this who does not have to??? I'm trying to nudge my CFO into the Apple-verse....and we use a Chromebook for all things financial. Oops. Time for an Windows 10 update/restart. If I don't post back sometime soon? Don't update Windows 10 today
Ummmm ... I hate to tell you this, but the Apple Watch only works in conjunction with an iPhone. There are rumors that the next model will work stand alone, but current models don't. FWIW, I like my Series 2 Apple watch even more than I thought it would. It's helped a bunch in my heart rehabilitation over the past two years.
Well.... The good news is that Windows didn't break just now after the update. The bad news is that it Windows didn't break just now after the update. Yeah. I know. Freekin Apple!!!..... My work phone is an iphone, either an 8 or a 7+, depending on which one I want to stick the SIM card in....and that partially prompted the switch from my beloved Amazfit Bip - an EXCELLENT fitness tracker and marginal smart watch. My plan is to synch the watch to my work phone and see if it lives up to its billing as an excellent smart watch and a decent fitness tracker. If it doesn't then I'm gonna get my $199 back! Like most of my contemporaries, I have to carry two phones.....personal and work....or just use my company phone as my 24/7 carry phone. This I really cannot do because my work iphonethingy isn't even as marginally functional as a normal iphonethingy due to company restrictions. My life is complicated like that. I'll start a separate thread detailing the woes of a self-loathing apple user later - but since this is a Windows bashing thread, I'll turn on the blinker and merge back with the normal flow of traffic. Thanks for the well-meaning heads-up!