Many thanks for the info, I'll contact Toyota to get me booked in. Also where can I get a tilt sensor fitted? Cheers Sidders
The CAT from my Gen 1 was stolen. Toyota told me they had never heard of a Gen 1 being pilfered before, so they do not have a solution to protect it from future theft. To add, they also do not have an aftermarket Gen 1 CAT to replace it, so an original was put back on.
dear all I have just bought a cat clamp (red) from the USA and had a friend bring it back Just wondering which cat I should replace my stolen one with One which will pass emission tests and not be worth a nicking again as scrap Also does anyone know of a mechanic or garage which has experience of fitting the "Catclamp" I live at the Angel in Islington Id be really very grateful for any advice Many thanks Toby
The Prius Centre – We love Priuses I've never used the above, but they may be able to help you. I believe non genuine cats do a good job as the OEM one, however when mine was stolen I had an OEM one fitted, as the garage said that non standard ones won't pass the emissions. Plenty have though.
It looks as though the theft of Prius catalytic converters is spreading to the suburbs....I had mine stolen today and I live in High Wycombe. I rang around to get a price locally and all the places I spoke to said that they had seen a recent increase in the High Wycombe area with one place saying that their supplier said that there had been 19 cases in the past month! They also said that as most of the Prii in London had already been done, the bad guys were now going further afield to virgin territories. Also, apparently, the replacement catalytic converters do not contain that same amount of precious metals and so are not so rich pickings? P.S. By the way, Mr Clutch (local repair garage) and Halfords in High Wycombe, have both estimated about £650 for the replacement cat and the sensor.
On the contrary, home grown mentally challenged morons seem to be muscling in on the great Prius Platinum Mine UK harvest of 2019. These illiterate dumkopfs believe any Toyota Hybrid is a Platinum mine. Either that or they’re pathologically stupid to the point where they cannot tell the difference between a Gen 2 and 3. I strongly suspect these dimwits think a Gen 4 has even MORE Platinum in it, “because it’s the latest version, innit?”..... iPad ? Pro
Are there any documented cases of Gen 3 or 4 cat's being stolen, or cheap aftermarket cat's from Gen 2 cars?
I just had my Gen 3 2012 Prius Plugin Cat Stolen in Barnet. With the insurers repairers since last week. They say it may come back 20 August. So almost a month for repairs - waiting for parts.
How awful! Sorry to hear of the theft of your Cat. That’s the 2nd 1st Gen PiP that I’m hearing about on here. Is ANY Prius safe? iPhone 6s +
Had my Gen 2 Cat stolen a couple of weeks ago in Preston in the North West of England. Had that replaced but now have the red triangle of doom. Think my prius owning days are coming to an end.
They also target the Gen 3 Prius (2010 onwards)!!! I have a 2010 Gen 3 Prius TSpirit and I found out the hard way this afternoon (01/08/2019). Parked my car in the Islington area in London for two hours and returned to find my car started up sounding like a tractor. Looked beneath the motor and found the heat-shield had been ripped open and was dangling down and the Lambda Sensor was cut off too. I’m officially stranded without my beloved Prius! Furthermore, closer inspection revealed that the catylic converter had indeed been cut off and stolen by some foolish miscreant of society!!!
Someone needs to set up a sting and catch em red handed. I bet it would be pretty easy to park a prius in a likely spot and have some LE officers hang nearby and nab them. Other citizen advocates might choose to rig an old junkyard prius with a bigger deterrent. This is just disgusting, I am so sorry for those of you who have been victimized.
Sorry about the theft of your catalytic converter. It’s disheartening to hear that Gen 3’s are now being targeted as well. Clearly it’s much more difficult to steal the cat from a Gen 3......which is why all the Gen 2s in London got harvested first. The scary thing is that they’re still committing Grand Theft Cat exclusively on Prii in London and the UK as a whole, 12 calendar months after this Prius Catalytic Converter theft caper started. And they STILL haven’t been caught! It seems UK law enforcement can’t be asked. It’s cynically implied that it’s a low level victimless (non violent) crime, ergo it’s not worthy of an operation to apprehend these thieves. The present London Mayor no doubt thinks being a victim of this kind of crime “is part and parcel of living in London”. In other words, suck it up! Note that the vehicles being ruthlessly targeted and plundered are primarily working class vehicles. If the targets for this crime included Bentleys and Maybach Limousines, I’m sure these thieving weasels would have been apprehended ages ago, summarily paraded before “The Beak”, and duly sent down for a long stretch of porridge. Meanwhile, we’re being scammed into paying our taxes which include funding a police farce who refuse to protect Prius owners from this chronic endemic crime! This is like a real life bad episode of Black Mirror! You REALLY couldn’t make it up! iPhone 6s +
Considering buying either a Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV or a Lexus IS300h hybrid.... due to being targeted and traumatised by an incident in which my Catalytic converter was stolen from my Gen 3 Prius.
Considering buying either a Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV or a Lexus IS300h hybrid.... due to being targeted and traumatised by an incident in which my Catalytic converter was stolen from my Gen 3 Prius... Anyone know if they target the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV or a Lexus IS300h hybrid for their catalytic converters in the UK or elsewhere??? Don’t want to be targeted again