Just got my 2020 Prius Prime LE on Monday. I'm charged on a regular 110v outlet in my garage. We had the house rewired less than 2 years ago, so I know this outlet is on a 20 amp GFCI breaker. The rest of the breaker is some empty outlets, the garage lights and garage door openers. Lights are almost never on, garage door opener is used a couple times a day. When I plug it in when the battery is depleted I've seen it say as long as 6 hours, 10 minutes even though it's listed to be 5 hours 10 minutes. Any ideas on what I can try to change? I know that nothing else is drawing power except as listed above. Because the garage is detached and separated from the house with a concrete driveway I don't see running 240v as being easy.
What is the actual (not estimated) time to a full charge? I wouldn’t change anything - just let the car charge itself.
Have you measured the actual voltage at the outlet? If it is on the low end of normal, it will take longer. Voltage can be high or low depending on what the utility has set, how long and resistive the wires are (both on the utility side and on your side of the meter), other loads on the same system, etc.
Your settings are probably set to 8A (I believe it is the default) Follow the instructions on page 123 of the Prime manual to change it to 12A. Use the following to change from 8A to 12A Page 123
I would be surprised if this would result in a charge time of about 6 hours. At 8 amps it should be about 9 hours.
Recently mine went to 6 hr to fully charge. Used to consistently be 5 hr.40 min. May be due to temperature (?)....its been really hot in Atlanta since May
Hot batteries have greater resistance & take longer to charge. Rob43 PS, if you have any type of 240v receptacle near your Prime, you can use your OE Toyota EVSE and charge up in about 2 1/2 hours.
Mine is on 20A with freezer in the garage. The has always said "6 hours 10 min" to full when plugged in with zero EV range left, but it actually takes only 5 hours 20-30min to complete. I have never plugged into a different outlet, so I don't know if it will say any different estimate.
Do you charge immediately after driving, or on a delayed schedule for the middle of the night when the air and your battery are cooler? Do you enable traction battery cooling? And, is this the actual charge time or the estimated?
I normally charge during the day as soon as I get in; most days b4 3pm. It is the actual time it takes....I get the email notifier when completed. I plead ignorant regarding "traction battery cooling"; I've seen the message on the dash and just ignored it. (Still haven't read manual ). But..... I haven't really driven it that much (I'm retired) , less than 9K on it after 1.5 years.
My 2017 Prime went from consistently 5 hours 40 minutes to 13 hours 20 minute to full charge in the past week. It’s currently at Toyota service now; not sure if they will be able to find anything constructive as their last phone call was to tell me everything was fine, it wasn’t charging due to the “setting” not set to charge it now.
I'm guessing the "setting" they are referring to is the maximum charging current. Somehow, your setting may have changed from 12A to 8A, which is much slower.
I also have a 2017 Prius Prime that I bought in 2018. Since I bought it, a full charge has taken 2 hours (with a 240V, 30 amp charger). However, yesterday for the first time, it took 2 hours and 30 minutes. It isn't the temperature; it hasn't changed much and it almost never goes as low as freezing here. Today, I didn't need a full charge, but it said it would need 2 hours and 20 minutes; it should have been about 1 hour and 50 minutes. It's weird that it would change from one day to the next; it was fine on Wednesday, i.e., for 4 years.