Hi All, Not urgently, but its on the horizon. I'd like to replace many critical (defined as their failure would stop the car) rubber hoses soon on my 8 year old prius. One set I was thinking of was to start compiling the rubber hoses involved in the engine coolant system (they show some surface cracking at this point). Couple of questions: (1) Anyone know the PNs for the OEM hoses for the engine coolant tubes? (2) Any suggestions of other hoses to change while I am at it? Thanks!
I thought about doing them on our 2010 pre-emptively, but then said, meh. Even though the hoses feel soft, they’re robust and are good for a long time.
The garage queen does lead a pampered life. Maybe @Mendel Leisk has thought about it? I bet he won’t admit it though given the low miles or kms .
That might make it worthwhile Yes, is this a high mileage car? And does "blah" get pretty hot? This page has hose summary I think; scroll about halfway down for a second diagram with the myriad small ones: Radiator & Components for 2011 Toyota Prius | McGeorge Toyota Parts
Disconnect both batteries Remove the air duct and wash/treat it separately Cover the throttle body Wash everything else with Simple Green or Dawn, rinse thoroughly Let it dry or blow dry it Spray 303 aerospace protectant on everything Put it back together Profit!
The miles (88k) to me don't matter much since I think rubber dry rots and therefore the age in years matters more.
On an 8 year old car, I wouldn't worry about it. Even on 20 year old cars, I have never had to replace a hose other than a vacuum hose (they tend to brittle at the ends and get air leaks). Coolant hoses and the like are quite sturdy.