So this is not my car but my husbands, he's not exactly car smart and hasn't kept on on maintenance since owning. We were driving yesterday and the car started driving very rough, the PS battery light, exclamation and check engine light all came on at once. We drove over to Auto Zone a few miles away and car was driving very rough but had not died yet. We get the codes back P3130 Inverter Cooling System Malfunction and P0300 Random Misfire Detected. When we pulled out it died and the power steering became impossible right before this happened. It would drive okay for a bit and die again, once again the power steering. What I did notice is right before it died the screen glitched a few times. It would start back up okay and still drive rough with the power steering sometimes working. I have called a few places and most 3rd party people don't feel comfortable working on a hybrid. The first guy I called said the codes sounded nothing like what the actual symptoms the car is showing, he said he knows a little about hybrid prius but doesn't feel comfortable working on. The 2nd guy I called told me those problems could definitely be the problem and the symptoms it's showing. He said they have no problem working on the hybrids (he is also a 3rd party) I don't have $200 to just throw away to the toyota dealership to tell what's wrong and then $1000's in repairs. I am not a trustworthy person and scared this guy could be screwing me with a problem that isn't really there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would also like to add a few weeks ago the ABS and Brake light were on for about 2 days and the car made a grinding noise. It just went away after that and have seen no more issues until this happened. The noise would stop for about a second every time I pushed the brake in.
Mine was doing the same thing yesterday - first the PS went out, another 100 yards it died. I got the 3130 code. It was because by 12v battery was dead and couldn't supply enough juice to run those accessories. I replaced it with a $22 U1R battery from Walmart and all that went away. FYI, that's a lawn mower battery with different terminals designed for the cable to bolt to them. I just took the existing cables, removed the green insulators(?), and used the existing bolt and nut to attach to the new battery. I bent the negative cable end to be able to just use one side of it. The positive one I just spread open enough to fit the battery terminal in between, line up the holes and bolt it on. It's easier if you take the cables off and bend/install them on your workbench. The negative is just screwed to the trunk and the positive one has two wire connectors that pop off to free up the cable end. That battery is also shorter, so put something underneath it in the trunk - I used a couple of short strips of some plywood I had laying around, and a third piece on top, under the hold down bracket.
The car dies when its hot outside and its been driving in the city when the engine is warm, correct? And when it cools down the car will start and drive again until it gets hot. If this is the case the likely problem is the pump that cools the hv battery is dead and you need to replace it. Open the cap on the pink coolant reservoir on the center top of the motor. With the engine running look into the coolant. Is it moving like a stream or is it still? If its not moving you need to replace the pump. Its behind the headlight on the drivers side. There is a vid on youtube on how to do it. These pumps wear out about every 100k miles. You have two cooling systems in that car. One for the engine and one for the hv battery
BTW, if you want to see whether my guess is right, just get a spare 12v car battery - any type will do - put it in the trunk and jumper cable it to the existing 12v battery, then drive around. If you have a scanner that will clear the codes, do that - a 3130 should come back pretty quickly. Don't go too far in case you do have a bad inverter coolant pump or you'll overheat the inverter and cost a lot of money to fix. If the code doesn't come back, or any of the symptoms, there's your problem.
I'm only a couple of weeks into learning about these cars, and yours is the obvious answer to the 3130, and certainly one to be aware of, but what about the PS fail? These cars don't have PS fluid, so the pump couldn't cause that. His just sounds so much like what happened to me this week, and the battery fixed both problems. Definitely don't want to ignore the pump though.
Thank you all for the replies, I will check this out tomorrow and hoping it's just the 12v battery. Knowing my luck, probably not.
Your issue is the inverter pump failing. Same with ajnelson above here in this tread. STOP driving the car immediately if you see that warning light come on. Otherwise you risk destroying the inverter. The burned up pump also probably killed the 12v battery. The pump is really easy to replace. Cost you maybe $80 on ebay. The pump is behind the driver side headlight. Take off the headlight and there is it! However do some more research on dos and dont before using the car again. It is extremely important to get ALL the air bubbles out of the inverter cooling system BEFORE you turn on the engine again!
The pump being talked about here is a cooling pump for electronics. The car doesn't have PS fluid because the power steering is electric. Powered by the electronics. That are cooled by the pump.